800: Lorna Davis, part 4: After the Sustainability Leadership Workshop

December 31, 2024 by Joshua
in Podcast

If you haven’t listened to my conversation with Lorna before taking the sustainability leadership workshop, I recommend listening to it first: 794: Lorna Davis, part 3: Before taking the sustainability leadership workshop.

In this episode, Lorna shares her experiences, reactions, and thoughts from taking the workshop. They’re all multifaceted. They come from her classmates, leading them in the exercises, being led by them in the exercises, curiosity, and more. She shares vulnerabilities as openly as her discoveries and new commitments.

I predict you’ll find her engaging and captivating. Longtime listeners have heard me talk about the workshop, maybe Evelyn, but you might think consider me biased as the person who developed it and Evelyn as someone else leading it. Check out Lorna’s experiences.

If interested in learning more about the workshop or taking it, contact me.

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