Search Results for: meditation

Which books have made you introspect?

on May 19, 2018 in Blog

I responded to the question, Hi all, Nearly an year ago, I faced a life-shattering crisis that completely wrecked my world view. Since then I have rebuilt up from scratch, and I have found that a lot of the things that I used to believe were false. Books such as Man’s Search for Meaning have been very pivotal in that regard. What books could you recommend for the same? with[…] Keep reading →

039: Vincent Stanley, conversation 1: business success through environmental support, transcript

on April 2, 2018 in Podcast

Listen to the podcast. Vincent Stanley has been at Patagonia’s since 1973 almost as long as I’ve been alive. It was started by one guy who bought an anvil in order to make climate equipment that would work for him and now it’s a global brand with incredible customer loyalty. In fact, I contacted him because I liked Patagonia’s mission and how they bet the farm so many times and[…] Keep reading →

023: Dov Baron, Conversation 2: Freedom and the Jaguar

on February 15, 2018 in Audio, Choosing/Decision-Making, Freedom, Podcast

Who doesn’t have a dream car? If you can afford it, especially if you’ve aspired to it your whole life, isn’t owning and driving your dream car one of the great joys and well-earned accomplishments in life? What if you found something better? What if what you liked better was not having the car? Does the idea of getting rid of one of your highest value sound crazy? That’s the[…] Keep reading →

023: Dov Baron, Conversation 2: Freedom and the Jaguar, full transcript

on February 14, 2018 in Podcast

Dov continues his insightful, thought provoking and thoughtful discussion about these things that a lot of people don’t think about: about awareness versus willful ignorance, about distraction from what matters but also how to get back to what matters. He talks a lot about how freedom can be a prison and this forces you to reflect, to meditate, to learn about yourself which is how he got there I believe.[…] Keep reading →

023: Dov Baron, Conversation 2: Freedom and the Jaguar

on February 14, 2018 in Audio, Podcast

Who doesn’t have a dream car? If you can afford it, especially if you’ve aspired to it your whole life, isn’t owning and driving your dream car one of the great joys and well-earned accomplishments in life? What if you found something better? What if what you liked better was not having the car? Does the idea of getting rid of one of your highest value sound crazy? That’s the[…] Keep reading →

013: Dan Pink, Conversation 2, full transcript

on January 11, 2018 in Podcast

This was a fun simple conversation with Dan Pink. If you’ve been listening to this podcast a couple of the recent conversations I’ve had were with people who had some big personal growth that came through overcoming big challenges. I don’t want you to think that this is always going to be a big challenge. In the case of Dan the story is that it was really simple and sometimes[…] Keep reading →

009: Tanner Gers, Conversation 2: Fearlessness, full transcript

on January 1, 2018 in Podcast

Tanner clearly has just as much fun in the second conversation as he did the first one. And that’s the fun of the conversation but talking about what he did, he went beyond just modest size changes. If you hear he’s already getting into leading people right away. It’s about responsibility. It’s about people changing or not. I mean he does but not everyone does. You get to hear about his[…] Keep reading →

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