Search Results for: meditation

Year 9, day 1 of daily posts

on January 29, 2019 in Blog

I began posting daily to this blog on January 29, 2011, so today marks day 1 of year 9. That’s 3,328 posts over 2,922 days (I double posted on many days, plus transcripts for the podcast get their own posts). Daily posting led to the development of the sidcha concept, which I consider (possibly) my greatest discovery so far, as well as my burpee, cold shower, picking up trash, and[…] Keep reading →

Painting sidchas: A Painting A Day

on January 4, 2019 in Art, SIDCHAs

I found some great examples of success through sidchas you’ll enjoy seeing. Through Seth Godin, who posts to his blog daily, I learned of Abbey Ryan, who paints a painting a day. I hope she doesn’t mind my showing her ten most recent paintings, to show their beauty and so people don’t confuse a painting a day with skimping. According to Wikipedia, A recognized leader in the “Painting-A-Day” movement, Ryan’s[…] Keep reading →

30 highlights and lowlights from a triumphant month on the road

on December 1, 2018 in Stories

I’m on the train from Atlanta home to New York. I left October 29 and visited Chicago, Los Angeles, Ventura, San Diego, and New Orleans too. The impetus came from attending the Summit in L.A. I found reasons to visit places along the way. Here are 30 highlights an lowlights from the trip. 1. I traveled intercity only by train and bus since I’m not flying. 2. At the Summit[…] Keep reading →

096: Chris Bailey: Hyperfocus, The New Science of Attention (transcript)

on October 19, 2018 in Podcast

Chris does things. He does incredible things and I urge you to check out his web page and read some of the things that he does. I allude to it in the conversation but check it out for yourself. But he’s still humble and simple despite doing these incredible things. So if the part of the reason you’re here is you like my burpees or my avoiding food packaging or[…] Keep reading →

Why you should meditate

on July 26, 2018 in Awareness, Freedom, Nonjudgment

Of the many reasons to meditate, here is what I consider the most valuable. Say you’re a runner. Imagine if every time you ran, at random times, without your awareness, your feet just started running in a different direction than you wanted. And on top of that, your feet started kicking each other equally spontaneously, randomly, and unintentionally. Your mind does just that—no matter how much you want to focus[…] Keep reading →

059: The domino effect of creating change; Balint Horvath, part 2 (transcript)

on July 6, 2018 in Podcast

A three–month transition from something he did daily to something he targets doing once a month feels pretty big to me and he shares thoughtfully and in-depth how his transition went. So if you’re thinking about doing one or you’re doing one, I recommend listening to how it goes for him because I think it’ll help you feel not alone, that you’ll feel like part of a team. You’ll also[…] Keep reading →

How Arianna Huffington, Ryan Holiday, Marie Kondo, and Successful Leaders’ Start Their Days

on June 11, 2018 in Habits,

How Arianna Huffington, Ryan Holiday, Marie Kondo, and Successful Leaders’ Start Their Days Successful people start their mornings with routines. Routines make difficult habits doable. You don’t have yours? Time to start. Need help? I loved finding, which posts a new successful person’s morning routine each week, including mine. You can also find Arianna’s and Ryan’s (though mine is best. . . for me, that is. It’s surprising how[…] Keep reading →

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