Search Results for: creativity

See Joshua Spodek on a distinguished panel on Entrepreneurship and Leadership at NYU March 27

on March 5, 2014 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

I’ve been invited to participate on a panel with several distinguished entrepreneurs and leaders at NYU March 27 6pm-7:30pm. Click here for the announcement and to register (the event is free, but you have to register). Below is the text. NYU Entrepreneurs Network & NYU Leadership Development Initiative present Entrepreneurship VS Leadership Similarities, Differences, & Lessons Learned We often talk about leadership and entrepreneurship as if they were the same[…] Keep reading →

8 harmful consequences of confusing your beliefs with reality

on November 25, 2013 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Tips

Many people make the mistake of thinking that some things they think are beliefs and others are not beliefs but facts. Or that they are just right. For example, if you ask them who they think might be the next President, they might say it could be Hillary Clinton. They’d say that was a belief because they can’t prAove who will become the next President. They just have to wait[…] Keep reading →

Resources and inspirations

on October 6, 2013 in

EDIT (2019): While I value all the resources below, this page is long due for an update. Other resources have emerged as more important. I’ll do my best to update it soon. If you can’t wait, contact me and I’ll raise its priority. The best place to find more, besides contacting me, is one of my seminars or classes. If I haven’t posted about an upcoming one recently, check with[…] Keep reading →

How I got my web page professionally redesigned at no cost and made a friend in the process

on October 3, 2013 in Blog

Some things seems obvious after the fact. A trick to success in business and life is making productive and effective things happen. Today’s post is not about discovering bartering, which happens all the time. It’s about social and business skills — a major topic of this blog — and using them to create success. A one-time arrangement is nice. The ability to see opportunities and make them happen makes for[…] Keep reading →

A reader’s testimonial

on June 11, 2013 in Blog

A reader wrote this testimonial. As I wrote him personally, I am honored and flattered that this material was useful for someone to improve his life with — including asking for and getting a position he wanted at work with more creativity and responsibility, taking on leadership roles, and improving his regular habits. I’m sharing it here in addition to my testimonial page because by describing his background and specifying[…] Keep reading →

More about becoming more creative

on April 19, 2013 in Blog, Creativity, Education

Flavorpill — the social discovery engine and curated event marketplace that keeps you tapped into the cultural happenings around you and lets you find and follow things you like, see what your friends are into, and, if so inspired, get off the computer and go out — posted my creativity seminar next Wednesday, April 24, 6pm-9pm. Very prestigious. Check it out. Then sign up! I look forward to seeing you[…] Keep reading →

How to become more creative — proven! … Wednesday April 24, 6pm-9pm, Manhattan

on April 17, 2013 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Education, Tips

Next Wednesday, 6pm-9pm I’m giving my first seminar through Skillshare, a company that organizes classes. If you’re near Manhattan and you want to become more creative, you should come. The class is called Systematic Creativity. When I say it teaches proven ways to increase your creativity, I mean it. It comes from one of the best courses I took at Columbia Business School by one of the top creativity researchers,[…] Keep reading →

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