Search Results for: farm

448: Robert Bilott: The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare

on March 19, 2021 in Podcast

Your blood contains PFOA, also known as forever chemicals. They cause cancer of several types, birth defects, and more. Dupont and other companies produced this stuff after learning it caused harm and dumped it into our environment. As best we can tell, they chose enormous profits over the health of their employees at first, and eventually all Americans and all humans because this stuff takes millions of years to break[…] Keep reading →

448: Robert Bilott: The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare

on March 19, 2021 in Podcast

Your blood contains PFOA, also known as forever chemicals. They cause cancer of several types, birth defects, and more. Dupont and other companies produced this stuff after learning it caused harm and dumped it into our environment. As best we can tell, they chose enormous profits over the health of their employees at first, and eventually all Americans and all humans because this stuff takes millions of years to break[…] Keep reading →

The reason renewables are becoming cheaper than fossil fuels nobody mentions

on February 5, 2021 in Nature

Why do you think energy from wind and solar have become cheaper than from fossil fuels lately in so many places? I’ve asked many people lately. Most people answer economies of scale, technological advances, simplifying production, and factors about manufacturing solar and wind tools. I’d like to point out how expensive fossil fuels have become. Have you heard of the La Brea tar pits? Here’s Wikipedia’s description: La Brea Tar[…] Keep reading →

Emotions following a summer of BLM, a winter of insurrection, and ongoing pandemic

on January 15, 2021 in Art

This version of this song has brought me to tears lately, no exaggeration. I like the images in this video: Reconciliation and cleaning up The song is about the opposite of division. It’s about generosity. Not that one video will heal much, but I hope it helps. Many voices are speaking loudly in America today. I don’t hear a single one that speaks for me or nearly anyone I know,[…] Keep reading →

Why Food Is Not Medicine

on January 13, 2021 in Nature, Perception

I keep reading articles describing food as medicine, describing how vegetables and fruit are especially healthy. Saying so implies vegetables and fruit are abnormal, things you have to go out of your way for, and doof is normal. People can define normal how they want, but to me, fresh fruits and vegetables are normal. From my perspective, food isn’t medicine. It’s normal, as is health. Doof is poison and abnormal,[…] Keep reading →

2020 versus 2021

on January 6, 2021 in Leadership, Nature

People said they looked forward to 2020 ending. They wanted to return to normalcy. They didn’t like 2020 because they compared it to 2019. I compare 2020 to 2021 and beyond. I expect the trend will continue and we’ll miss 2020’s relative calm. Politically, I expect more unity and less strife, as I can’t imagine Biden exacerbating division as Trump did. I see the pandemic as an environmental problem. People[…] Keep reading →

A leadership lesson from Ronald Reagan I’ve taken to heart

on December 27, 2020 in Leadership

While I can’t shake that my foremost memory of Ronald Reagan was the Iran-Contra affair—one of my earliest political memories—lately some words of his have given me great leadership direction. I believe they explain a lot of why most attempts to promote sustainability haven’t worked. His quote: If you’re explaining, you’re losing. As I’m writing my book on sustainability leadership, this quote is guiding me. Any time I find myself[…] Keep reading →

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