Search Results for: farm

I spend less than the average American on food, buying almost nothing they do

on November 25, 2020 in Entrepreneurship, Fitness

Thanksgiving means eating, often to excess, even if not with family during the pandemic. How about a post on food? I stumbled on a site with the Average Household Cost of Food, categorizing purchases, citing the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2013. Out of 30 categories, I buy from only 4! Here’s the average American budget. I put mine below. Before looking at mine, can you tell which 4[…] Keep reading →

The cause of our environmental problems, aka “the addiction speaking”

on November 16, 2020 in Nature, Perception

We were born into a world with systems and practices that pollute. I don’t see how we can blame past generations for decisions they couldn’t have expected to result in our world. Who could have believed when coal first boiled water to steam and that steam created mechanical motion that we could choke the sky with fossil fuel smoke and heat the whole damned planet? Who could have imagined when[…] Keep reading →

Day 1,300 picking up at least one piece of litter daily

on November 1, 2020 in Habits, Nature, SIDCHAs

I happened to check: today is my 1,300th consecutive day picking up at least one piece of litter per day. It’s my dirty sidcha. I do it to develop leadership experience and skills to hasten the day when we view single-use packaging how we now view asbestos and leaded gasoline. Yes, you too will cringe at takeout and to go, now matter how much you relish it today. One day[…] Keep reading →

My famous no-packaging vegan stew webinar with Plant Powered Metro New York (plagued by technical problems)

on October 17, 2020 in Creativity, Nature, Tips

Two weeks ago I presented online how to make my famous no-packaging vegan stew with a group called Plant Powered Metro New York. I apologize that Murphy’s Law struck hard. Everything that could go wrong did, but I couldn’t tell what in the moment so only on viewing it now did I hear how much the microphone distorted my voice. The lighting was off. After starting we found out they[…] Keep reading →

What I buy used versus new

on September 20, 2020 in Entrepreneurship

I never noticed how many of my major possessions I bought used versus new. Side note: I met Craig Newmark—the Craig of Craig’s List—when he spoke at Columbia nearly 20 years ago, then again last winter at a nearby cafe, now closed for the pandemic. Used I bought or acquire used Refrigerator—bought on Craig’s List, I think for $50 about ten years ago when my old one broke. Both sofas—neighbors[…] Keep reading →

Bob Inglis

on September 18, 2020 in Podcast

Bob Inglis is the Executive Director of republicEN—the EcoRight, a balance to the Environmental Left. In republicEN’s words We stand together because we believe in the power of American free enterprise and innovation to solve climate change. Together, we encourage, embolden, and applaud conservative climate leadership. The age of conservative climate disputation is over. We’re here for those who want to embrace the competition of ideas about solutions. If you[…] Keep reading →

I used to think I lived in the best time and place for food

on August 30, 2020 in Nature, Perception

Living in Manhattan, I used to think I had access to some of the best tasting food in the world and since a long time, maybe forever. With all the restaurants, chefs, and cuisines, I figured their competition and education must drive them to ever improving quality. The longer I cook at home and shop at farmers markets, the more I find restaurants don’t compete on quality of ingredients. What[…] Keep reading →

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