Search Results for: population

Young people don’t want kids out of fear. What does it take to wake up and fix our culture?

on August 12, 2021 in Nature

Look at these results from searching “young people don’t want kids”: 9 Brutally real reasons why millennials refuse to have kids 11 brutally honest reasons millenials don’t want kids 17 Reasons People Never Want To Have Children Millennials Aren’t Having Kids. Here’s Why That’s A … 10 Reasons Why People Want Kids (and 10 Reasons They Don’t … Americans Are Having Fewer Babies. They Told Us Why. – The …[…] Keep reading →

492: Did Steven Pinker’s Better Angels of our Nature miss why we’re less violent?

on August 9, 2021 in Podcast

Here are the notes I read from: Comments on Better Angels of Our Nature I finally finished Steven Pinker’s Better Angels of Our Nature. I started it more than skeptical of its main thesis. The book is 800 pages long, so I’m sure I’ll oversimplify and not do it justice, but I recommend it so you can get his full message. He says that we are living in the least[…] Keep reading →

492: Did Steven Pinker’s Better Angels of our Nature miss why we’re less violent?

on August 9, 2021 in Podcast

Here are the notes I read from: Comments on Better Angels of Our Nature I finally finished Steven Pinker’s Better Angels of Our Nature. I started it more than skeptical of its main thesis. The book is 800 pages long, so I’m sure I’ll oversimplify and not do it justice, but I recommend it so you can get his full message. He says that we are living in the least[…] Keep reading →

490: Karen Shragg, part 2: Lowering birth rate and raising tomato rate

on July 30, 2021 in Podcast

Don’t you feel gypped that some of the most amazing potential parts of our lives were stripped away by people overindulging in polluting behavior? Or by automation that removed working the land from consideration as noble action? Karen and I talk about overpopulation—talk that will soon return to mainstream and the values of wholesomeness of activities connected to the cycles of life. Besides sharing observations from a life of conservation,[…] Keep reading →

490: Karen Shragg, part 2: Reducing birth rate and raising tomatoes

on July 30, 2021 in Podcast

Don’t you feel gypped that some of the most amazing potential parts of our lives were stripped away by people overindulging in polluting behavior? Or by automation that removed working the land from consideration as noble action? Karen and I talk about overpopulation that will soon return to mainstream and the values of wholesomeness of activities connected to the cycles of life. Besides sharing observations from a life of conservation,[…] Keep reading →

The twisted, non-thinking of economists thinking economies must grow or they’ll collapse

on July 27, 2021 in Education, Models

Growth-based economics is so twisted, it acts as if degrowth is hard. Imagine the case of an island with enough resources to sustain, say, five thousand people with five thousand people living on it. Should they grow the population? Might deliberately choosing to limit birthrate to bring the population to, say, four thousand make them more resilient in case of a natural disaster that limited food production one year? If[…] Keep reading →

Know the 2 carbon cycles and don’t confuse them.

on July 25, 2021 in Models, Nature, Visualization

Can we grow enough forests and use enough regenerative agriculture to sequester enough carbon to undo global warming? To answer this question you have to understand the two carbon cycles. I’m simplifying, but you can think of two different cycles of carbon. One is the regular life cycle of carbon-based life forms. When something lives, it contains carbon, including trees, humans, and everything living in dirt and the oceans. When[…] Keep reading →

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