Search Results for: burpees
My spreadsheet said I hit 175,000 burpees yesterday. I don’t record each one. I programmed in how many I do each day. I update the date and it tells me how many I’ve done. So I’ve done more, since occasionally I do extra without telling the spreadsheet. A decade ago, I’d record what felt like big milestones like my first six months of doing them daily or the first ten[…] Keep reading →
I remember the first time I saw an old person doing burpees. Her body didn’t have the flexibility or strength to do them how a younger person could. When I started mine, around 40 years old, I knew I couldn’t do them like guy in his thirties or twenties. I didn’t think about how they’d feel later. Over the years, as I’ve grown stronger and with experience, I’ve added to[…] Keep reading →
Today begins my tenth year of daily burpees, not one day missed. My spreadsheet says I’ve done over 163,000 of them. I have yet to spend one penny doing them. Since I consider them something I do instead of TV, I’ve saved time doing them too. The activity continues to evolve in its meaning and value to me, always increasing, but mostly I think of them, along with the rest[…] Keep reading →
I can’t believe how much today’s ride tired me out. I’ll only post the high-level details before going to sleep. I recently got a new used bike—a touring bike designed to carry enough to go bike camping. The summer between high school and college, a friend and I rode from Philadelphia to Bar Harbor, Maine and back—about 1,500 miles. For years I used bikes as my main commuting vehicles, until[…] Keep reading →
According to my spreadsheet that calculates my burpee count, I did my hundred-fifty-thousandth today. Actually, that would be my hundred-fifty-thousandth as part of my burpee-based sidcha. I occasionally do more, like to show people how to do them, or when I see how long I take to do a hundred, but I never do less. My total expenditures on them is still $0.00, including equipment, trainer, travel, etc. I haven’t[…] Keep reading →
I can’t believe I didn’t think of saying the phrase until the other day: I do more burpees before 9am than most people do all day. It’s satisfying to write. I could have said it years ago. Friends are surprises I haven’t said it. When I said it to someone out loud, he pointed out I could say: I do more burpees before 9am than most people do in their[…] Keep reading →
on December 22, 2018 in Blog
On December 22, 2011, I did ten burpees, planning with a friend to do ten a day for thirty days. Origins A friend asked me in my senior year of high school how I had lost my chubbiness from 9th grade, since he and I started with the same body type but I got more fit. My joining the cross country team probably helped. I also played ultimate frisbee with[…] Keep reading →
Regular readers know my passion for burpees and eating from how much I write about them. I think they both contribute about equally to my health. I noticed a big difference between them. Eating I like starting but not finishing. Burpees I like finishing but not starting. I feel like there’s something deep there.
I hit 100,000 burpees a couple weeks ago, on September 5th, if I remember right. Each ten thousand felt like a big milestone. Hitting six figures felt like it should be a biggest milestone yet. Instead I’m writing this minor post. It’s the biggest number with the most zeros, but the greater accomplishment is to see them like brushing my teeth—not that big a deal, just something I do. I[…] Keep reading →