Search Results for: burpees

Year 8, Day 1 of Daily Burpees

on December 22, 2018 in Blog

On December 22, 2011, I did ten burpees, planning with a friend to do ten a day for thirty days. Origins A friend asked me in my senior year of high school how I had lost my chubbiness from 9th grade, since he and I started with the same body type but I got more fit. My joining the cross country team probably helped. I also played ultimate frisbee with[…] Keep reading →

The difference between burpees and eating

on November 8, 2017 in Fitness

Regular readers know my passion for burpees and eating from how much I write about them. I think they both contribute about equally to my health. I noticed a big difference between them. Eating I like starting but not finishing. Burpees I like finishing but not starting. I feel like there’s something deep there.

100,000 burpees

on September 29, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I hit 100,000 burpees a couple weeks ago, on September 5th, if I remember right. Each ten thousand felt like a big milestone. Hitting six figures felt like it should be a biggest milestone yet. Instead I’m writing this minor post. It’s the biggest number with the most zeros, but the greater accomplishment is to see them like brushing my teeth—not that big a deal, just something I do. I[…] Keep reading →

The Joy of Running and Burpees

on September 7, 2017 in Fitness, Habits

Kari Gormley hosts the Running Lifestyle podcast and today she posted her interview of me, “The Joy of Running and Burpees.” She’s done the podcast long enough to go beyond just running to connecting it to more about life. It’s an enjoyable conversation stemming from an enjoyable part of life. Some people don’t get exercise and how it contributes everywhere. This conversation covers that joy. Listen to the podcast. Here[…] Keep reading →

More reasons burpees are lazy

on July 3, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

People describe the burpees I do as a lot and hard. While the number, approaching 100,000, is big, for six-and-a-half years, it’s not that many. I keep trying to reconcile the disparity. Here’s how I look at it. If burpees are the single best exercise, which fitness experts have said, and if they aren’t the best, they’re close, then doing them is an efficient way to stay fit. In other[…] Keep reading →

I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses

on June 10, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Habits,, SIDCHAs

My Inc. post Monday, “I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses,” began I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses Not having a skill so useful as discipline is a reason to do them, which transformed my life. When I tell people about my burpee habit, their most common response is to suppose I was born with superhuman discipline. I do them daily,[…] Keep reading →

90,000 burpees!

on March 10, 2017 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits,, SIDCHAs

I decided to post my regular 10,000-burpee increment update on Inc. first this time. I’m only supposed to sample the beginning of the article when it first goes up. So click to my Inc. post, “90,000 Burpees Today,” which begins 90,000 Burpees Today I started my daily burpee habit in December 2011. Today I hit my 90,000th. I’m a 45-year old man and I’ve done burpees every day since December[…] Keep reading →

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