Search Results for: burpees

Does eating meat make you ignorant?

on September 28, 2016 in Fitness, Nature

Most people who have talked to me for more than thirty minutes over the past year heard me talk about food, especially all the fresh vegetables and fruit, as well as the legumes I cook in the pressure cooker. With many of them, I describe in detail what I eat. Some I even show the pictures, like these, of what I eat Or these, showing the farm where my food[…] Keep reading →

A burpee conversation with a reader

on September 27, 2016 in Fitness

I’ve written about the value of sharing your passions. When you do, people who share them too will find you and enrich your world. A reader wrote me about burpees and we got into a rewarding conversation. I’ll share the start of it, mainly hoping to extend the community and motivate others. It’s nothing earth-shattering, but it enriches ones life to find people to share passions with. It’s encouraging, rewarding,[…] Keep reading →

Quora Saturday: Best habits, successful projects, NYU, Columbia, awesome CEOs, and IBM versus Google

on September 17, 2016 in Quora

Continuing my Saturday series on posting my answers to questions from Quora, here are my next questions answered: What is the best habit you’ve taken up from another person? How do I start a successful project? Are there any program in NYU/ Columbia University for high school students that increase their to be accepted when applying? What makes an awesome CEO? A transformative leadership role at IBM vs Sales Engineering[…] Keep reading →

My favorite time of the day

on September 13, 2016 in Fitness

Do you think Michelangelo looked at his statue of David while he sculpted it? I read that Da Vinci worked on the Mona Lisa for more than ten years. Do you think he looked at it in that time—to appreciate his work to date, to guide his upcoming work, and so on? I have a playful little rule for myself that I’m not allowed to look in the mirror before[…] Keep reading →

Quora Saturday: Starting projects, morning habits, heartbreak, German writers, and leaders

on September 10, 2016 in Quora

Continuing my Saturday series on posting my answers to questions from Quora, here are my next questions answered: How do I start a successful project? What are the best morning habits? Is it normal to not ever want a relationship again after a heartbreak? Who is the most influential writer that came from Germany? What are the differences between leaders in business and leaders in academia? Q: How do I[…] Keep reading →

Jim Harshaw podcast follow-up

on August 3, 2016 in Audio, Habits, Leadership, SIDCHAs

Following up the podcast I loved with Jim Harshaw that I posted two days ago, Jim prepares an action sheet for each conversation. Click here for the pdf of it. I also copied the text here so you can see some of what the conversation was about. I’ll include podcast below the text so you can listen to it from this page. I’m confident you’ll like it. Wrestling with Success[…] Keep reading →

How to get a six-pack eating tons of delicious, cheap, convenient food: Cut out garbage and you get quality

on July 21, 2016 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, Nature

Yesterday I posted about two of my most valued things: Eating tons of delicious, convenient, cheap, and diverse food—basically until I’m stuffed nearly every meal A fit body with well-defined abs with energy for athletic achievement I have found that sharing what you love fills your life with sharing, love, and stuff you love. I can’t tell you how good it feels to feel firm, lithe muscle under skin not[…] Keep reading →

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