Search Results for: population

See me on a MAGAMedia panel with five Trump supporters

on December 10, 2020 in Nonjudgment

It’s been a while since I appeared on MAGAMedia, but I spoke on a panel with them last week. Here are some of my past appearances. Here is the post to MAGAMedia, MAGAMedia Podcast With Guests Agnes Gibboney, Joshua Spodek, Bebe, and Shawn [Video], and below is the video. My goal in participating was not to debate or win, but to share my views and learn others’. I’ve read a[…] Keep reading →

What makes America great and our greatest vulnerability

on December 2, 2020 in Models, Nonjudgment, Visualization

People disagree on how great or not great America is. Some say we’ve lost our edge in this area or that. Others say we excel in everything. By some measures like GDP we’ve outperformed others for generations. Our military dominates others in total size and firepower. We’ve almost never been invaded. What makes us excel when we do? I’ll answer this question from my perspective not to say good, bad,[…] Keep reading →

Imagine the relief of 3.7 billion people

on November 26, 2020 in Nature

Walking around my neighborhood during Thanksgiving, the streets are nearly empty, the city quiet. I can think with less interruption. There’s still too much litter from too many people buying disposable things. Various sources tell me that without artificial fertilizer, which require fossil fuels, the Earth can support a population of 3.7 billion people. Since we can’t use fossil fuels forever, I don’t know how we think we’ll get by[…] Keep reading →

The cause of our environmental problems, aka “the addiction speaking”

on November 16, 2020 in Nature, Perception

We were born into a world with systems and practices that pollute. I don’t see how we can blame past generations for decisions they couldn’t have expected to result in our world. Who could have believed when coal first boiled water to steam and that steam created mechanical motion that we could choke the sky with fossil fuel smoke and heat the whole damned planet? Who could have imagined when[…] Keep reading →

This Sustainable Life Workshop

on October 18, 2020 in

GOAL Inspire visitors to act in the direction of living more sustainable at home and in their community–and enjoy the process–by providing stories, role models, images, beliefs, and community-making stewardship normal and attractive, not a burden or chore. AVATAR Decision-makers at private and organizations primarily in America and Secondary the rest of the world. WHY LIVE MORE SUSTAINABLY? Humans use more resources than the Earth can sustain, which will lead[…] Keep reading →

The Book: Food and Climate Change–Without the Hot Air

on September 4, 2020 in Nature, Visualization

Food started my path to finding that acting on my environmental values improves my life. Before trying, I expected stewardship to feel like a burden or chore. Eating from scratch relieved me of that misperception. Food is delicious so great place to start your journey. A new book came out in the Without the Hot Air Series that began with David J.C. MacKay’s Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air, available[…] Keep reading →

What we can learn from elk hunters

on August 18, 2020 in Nature

A friend saw elk for the first time after starting spending time in Idaho on a ranch. He’s vegetarian. He met hunters. He was talking to a hunter once. They saw a herd of elk. The hunter asked, “how many elk do you see in that herd?” “About a hundred.” “I’d guess about that many too. The land around here can support about eighty through the winter.” “I guess that[…] Keep reading →

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