Search Results for: population

Is the best book on the environment a picture book you can finish in a sitting?

on February 3, 2021 in Art, Awareness, Nature, Visualization

I’ve read a lot of books on nature. Most focus on facts, figures, and information that don’t help. To the extent they provoke emotion, they do so heavyhandedly, lacking genuineness or authenticity. If you’re explaining, you’re losing, as a former U. S. President said, and most books on nature explain. I just finished a book, Over, which you can review online in its entirety for free. It’s mostly a book[…] Keep reading →

Why I’m singing

on February 2, 2021 in Art, Creativity

I came to singing for polluting less, I’m staying for self-expression and discovery. If you want to know what inspired me without all my talk, jump the last video at the bottom of this post. If you know of a better singing performance—I could imagine its equal, but not sure anyone could better it. As for me and singing, if you haven’t listened to my podcast episode recording my before[…] Keep reading →

2020 versus 2021

on January 6, 2021 in Leadership, Nature

People said they looked forward to 2020 ending. They wanted to return to normalcy. They didn’t like 2020 because they compared it to 2019. I compare 2020 to 2021 and beyond. I expect the trend will continue and we’ll miss 2020’s relative calm. Politically, I expect more unity and less strife, as I can’t imagine Biden exacerbating division as Trump did. I see the pandemic as an environmental problem. People[…] Keep reading →

“Philosophy of Shrinking Footprints” and “Shrinking Your Travel Footprint”, hear me on 2 Growthbusters episodes

on January 1, 2021 in Audio, Nature, Podcast

One of the few podcasts I listen to every episodes of is Growthbusters. Hosts Dave and Erika invited me for third and fourth appearances, which went live the other day. I list Dave as one of my environmental role models. Here are past times I’ve mentioned him or Growthbusters in my blog. The Philosophy of Shrinking Footprints Show notes We set out to make this the second of a series[…] Keep reading →

What can you do?

on December 24, 2020 in Leadership, Nature

This graphic tempts you to think having fewer children is the best you can do, dwarfing not flying or going vegetarian, but I’ll describe below how you can do a lot more. More than personal actions Everyone gets that one person’s actions round to zero on a global scale. I agree. I act consistent with my values as a matter of integrity. Making a difference on a global scale comes[…] Keep reading →

What “Educate women” means

on December 21, 2020 in Education, Nature

Even people who understand that overpopulation exacerbates every environmental problem refuse to see that lowering the population—which has been done successfully on national scales purely voluntarily, creating abundance and stability for all, as I spoke of here—can improve nearly every environmental problem. People mistakenly point out how birthrates are below replacement in many countries, including the US, missing that we promote population growth and immigration. Moving factories overseas doesn’t decrease[…] Keep reading →

Clear talk on the environment from a man at the forefront for fifty years

on December 20, 2020 in Education, Nature

I watched two presentations by Dennis Meadows, one of the authors of Limits to Growth, a book I consider fundamental to understanding how humans interact with finite resources. Until I read it, I harbored hopeful but erroneous misconceptions of how technology might save us. I apply leadership to the environment instead of technology because I understand technology, science, and how they work, not because I don’t. Few people read the[…] Keep reading →

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