Search Results for: population

How Bill Gates and the 1% can help the environment

on May 10, 2020 in Leadership, Nature, psychologytoday

I posted the following to my Psychology Today blog: An article today, Bill Gates Thinks That The 1% Should Foot The Bill To Combat Climate Change, said, “Bill Gates believes that private investors should foot the bill for increased spending on technologies to fight global climate change. He has pledged to commit $2 billion himself.” Does something strike you as disingenuous? Don’t Gates’s yachts, jets, and mansions burn through fossil[…] Keep reading →

Beautiful, modern life before plastic, corn syrup, and Walmart

on May 3, 2020 in Art, Fitness, Visualization

If you haven’t seen the pictures recently published by Charles Custer, who drove America’s route 66 with his wife in 1950-51, you’re in for a treat—and, for some of you, a challenge to preconceived notions about progress. They show in wonderful detail, composition, and style, an America now gone, replaced by uniformity, efficiency, and overpopulation. I’ll take the liberty of posting one, but there are 148 of them here, and[…] Keep reading →

My thoughts on Planet of the Humans, which I recommend

on April 27, 2020 in Nature, Podcast

I just finished watching Planet of the Humans, a documentary on people working on the environment, as well as many people claiming to, who aren’t, though many mean well. As you might expect, many people have told me about it. It was uncomfortable but I’m glad I watched it. It’s free on YouTube. Here it is to save you a click: My thoughts My mom asked me what I thought[…] Keep reading →

The most valuable no-nonsense covid-19 information I’ve seen (from’s Dr. Michael Greger)

on April 16, 2020 in Nature

I posted a podcast episode on Dr. Michael Greger’s video on pandemics, episode 318: Why pandemics will keep increasing and how we can reverse the trend. He was also a guest on the podcast. Today he posted the most valuable, comprehensive information on covid-19 I’ve seen, all referring to original research from medical and science literature. I rarely post other people’s material, but I found it worth copying. I’m contacting[…] Keep reading →

310: The Start and End of Any Serious Conversation on the Environment

on March 20, 2020 in Podcast

This episode puts together the most important and fundamental considerations about the environment: What works The basic cause contributing to all environmental problems Earth’s carrying capacity An attainable bright future A means to reach it that has worked on a smaller scale It feels to me like a solid TED talk. On Alan Weisman: 250: Why talk about birthrate and population so much? 248: Countdown, a book I recommend by[…] Keep reading →

306: Covid-19, avoiding people, and family

on March 15, 2020 in Podcast

My notes I read from for this episode: I chose to stay at my mom’s outside the city Why? Read stories, saw difference between places with SARS and MERS experience versus not NY and US woefully underprepared govt, corps. People didn’t get it Not worried about my health, but system Advice is distance What could happen Closer to Italy than China or Iran Talked to friend in medicine Talked to[…] Keep reading →

306: Covid-19, avoiding people, and family

on March 15, 2020 in Podcast

My notes I read from for this episode: I chose to stay at my mom’s outside the city Why? Read stories, saw difference between places with SARS and MERS experience versus not NY and US woefully underprepared govt, corps. People didn’t get it Not worried about my health, but system Advice is distance What could happen Closer to Italy than China or Iran Talked to friend in medicine Talked to[…] Keep reading →

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