Search Results for: magamedia

Let’s talk about Race and White Privilege, Parts 1 and 2

on August 8, 2020 in Freedom, Nonjudgment

As Rob Harper asked in the YouTube page: Can only white people be racist? Can black people be racist? What do you think when you see the police? What exactly is white privilege? Can blacks be privileged? Do all lives matter or just some and whose black lives? As Rob and I speak more (here is his appearance on my podcast and my appearance on his, among many other recordings[…] Keep reading →

The New Right Network hosted me for its Environment Town Hall. Watch the Video.

on May 27, 2020 in Leadership, Nature

Few associate environmental action with the American political right. Many think that community doesn’t care about clean air, water, and land. I don’t buy it. I think they care as much as anyone. How they act is another story, but I see almost no one on the American political left acting any more. I believe politics has made a wedge issue out of something everyone cares about, leading one side[…] Keep reading →

331: Rob Harper, part 2: A Pro-Trump View

on April 24, 2020 in Podcast

Our second recorded conversation covered Rob’s experience with separating his recycling. The first time we met we meant to record but ended up speaking for three hours, partly meeting as person-to-person and also talking about what people in this country with differing political views probably used to but don’t any more. We also ate my famous no-packaging vegetable stew—a delicious way to minimize polluting. The second time we recorded, but[…] Keep reading →

331: Rob Harper, part 2: A Pro-Trump View

on April 24, 2020 in Podcast

Our second recorded conversation covered Rob’s experience with separating his recycling. The first time we met we meant to record but ended up speaking for three hours, partly meeting as person-to-person and also talking about what people in this country with differing political views probably used to but don’t any more. We also ate my famous no-packaging vegetable stew—a delicious way to minimize polluting. The second time we recorded, but[…] Keep reading →

289: Rob J. Harper, part 1: The Conservative Black Cowboy I met at Google

on February 11, 2020 in Podcast

Most people will find my conversation with Rob unexpected, but talking with someone with his experience and views has long been one of my goals. People keep associating the environment with the political left, but everyone wants clean air, land, and water. Regular listeners know Rob from my appearing in a video episode, A Different Look At Climate Change, at—MAGA as in Trump’s Make America Great Again. Rob supports[…] Keep reading →

289: Rob J. Harper, part 1: The Conservative Black Cowboy I met at Google

on February 11, 2020 in Podcast

Most people will find my conversation with Rob unexpected, but talking with someone with his experience and views has long been one of my goals. People keep associating the environment with the political left, but everyone wants clean air, land, and water. Regular listeners know Rob from my appearing in a video episode, A Different Look At Climate Change, at—MAGA as in Trump’s Make America Great Again. Rob supports[…] Keep reading →

Rob J. Harper

on February 10, 2020 in Podcast

Rob is an author, speaker, writer, blogger, conservative, lover of life and all things with it. From Rob’s web page: I am a seasoned political online commentator with over 20 years of experience in banking and journalism. Prior to entering the financial sector, I worked as a journalist for a major daily newspaper in Northwest Arkansas with a readership of several hundred thousand. I have relied on my analytical and[…] Keep reading →

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