Search Results for: burpees

Four years of burpees!

on December 23, 2015 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

Yesterday began my fifth year of daily burpees, never missing one! I love the fitness they create. More importantly, the practice of integrity they create leads to me not skimping in other areas. My routine has expanded from ten burpees total to include stretching, back exercises, and ab exercises—one set in the morning, another set in the evening. I’ve also started other SIDCHAs. I’ve written before about their benefits, which[…] Keep reading →

60,000 burpees!

on August 12, 2015 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

Somewhere around today I hit 60,000 cumulative burpees since starting in December 2011. I don’t keep track rigorously, I only know I haven’t missed a burpee. Sometimes I do a few extra, like to show someone how to do them, if I lose count and want to make sure I do enough, or if I want to make up for eating candy. What started as ten burpees per day has[…] Keep reading →

50,000 burpees!

on January 31, 2015 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits

Happy Superbowl Sunday tomorrow, traditionally a day for drinking beer and eating comfort food. By my calculations, I hit 50,000 burpees around tomorrow too. You can read about my hitting 40,000 and 30,000 before that. Still haven’t missed any since my first set of ten in December 2011. Speaking of football food, before I exercise I think exercising will give me an excuse to eat sugary or other unhealthy food[…] Keep reading →

Three years of burpees

on December 22, 2014 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

Yesterday began my fourth year of burpees. I’ve written about them at length, so I’ll keep it brief today. A few sets of burpees are good fitness exercise. A few years of burpees is a solid foundation for a healthy life. Here are the top things they create for me. Sticking with them for a long time without missing any creates discipline, which is a foundation I can build other[…] Keep reading →

100 burpees: 9 minutes 21 seconds

on November 18, 2014 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

Over a drink the other night, a guy I met told me his record for 100 burpees was 7 minutes. He does cross-fit a couple times a week. I couldn’t help trying this morning. I did them in 9:21. I wrote him: I couldn’t help trying to see how fast I could do 100 burpees. Just did 100 in 9:21. Getting to 7 minutes seems hard, almost impossible, but now[…] Keep reading →

Marathon burpees

on November 1, 2014 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

It’s just past midnight, meaning I’m about fifteen minutes into Saturday, November 1. Tomorrow, Sunday, is the marathon. I’ve trained for it pretty well for months. I’ve wondered what to about my burpees. Some people suggested skipping burpees on days I run the marathon. I see it otherwise. Those are the most important days to do them. What’s the point of doing something only when it’s easy? The benefit comes[…] Keep reading →

1,000 days of burpees

on September 16, 2014 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

If I did my math right, today is my one-thousandth day of burpees, starting at one set of ten per day, now up to two sets of twenty-five per day. That’s somewhere over 40,000 burpees. I’ve done them in North Korea, China, and across the U.S. Following the principle that if you miss one day you can miss two, if you miss two it’s all over, I haven’t missed one[…] Keep reading →

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