Search Results for: burpees

40,000 Burpees!

on July 24, 2014 in Fitness

I don’t keep track of my total burpees, but since my last update at 30,000 burpees in January since starting at ten a day on December 21, 2011, I hit 40,000 somewhere around now. In the past I’ve celebrated milestones by writing about the value of burpees. Today I’ll write general thoughts. Moving up to fifty a day (two sets of twenty-five) from forty (two sets of twenty) was my[…] Keep reading →

Making burpees friendly

on July 12, 2014 in Fitness

Starting a set of twenty-five burpees is hard. I do something that makes them a little friendlier. It comes from the friend I started doing burpees with years ago. Most descriptions of burpees start with you dropping down. For some reason my friend starts with a jump up before his first burpee. Ever since I first learned he started that way, I have too: I start with a jump, then[…] Keep reading →

370 Burpees in one day! 100 the next.

on May 15, 2014 in Fitness

Remember I found a guy in England who did a one-year burpee “ladder” in my post “A burpee brother?” A burpee ladder means one burpee on the first day, two on the second, three on the third. A one-year ladder means you go until you do 365 on the last day for a total of almost 70,000 in the year. I’ve meant to do 365 burpees in a day since[…] Keep reading →

30,000 burpees!

on January 9, 2014 in Blog, Fitness

30,000 burpees! That’s a lot of burpees. I will hit that milestone tomorrow morning, or thereabouts, assuming forty burpees per day starting December 21, 2011. The first few months I ramped up from ten per day so I might have done fewer, but I’ve also done a bunch of extras to make up for eating or drinking too much unhealthy food or drink. I’ve influenced a few people to do[…] Keep reading →

Burpees — the Two Year Review!

on December 21, 2013 in Blog, Fitness

[This post is part of a series on my daily exercise and starting and keeping challenging habits. If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] Today marks two years of daily burpees! Challenging healthy daily habits If you want a stable foundation on which to build a life of health, resilience,[…] Keep reading →

Burpees: unbeatable for fitness and my best habit: the series

on November 26, 2013 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I’ve done burpees daily since December 22, 2011, at 40 years of age, starting with 10 a day, building to over 50 per day. I haven’t missed a day or burpee. I started them with a friend and they became one of my top daily habits—the first I simply started from scratch and never stopped. Why burpees? Top burpee values: If you know of any other exercise with these advantages,[…] Keep reading →

Burpees — unbeatable for fitness and my best habit — the series

on November 26, 2013 in Blog, Fitness, Tips

Part of this site’s new functionality that my awesome web designer is creating (he isn’t accepting my linking to him possibly partly from humility, but mostly because his career is taking off beyond web design into other areas and probably can’t work much on the web any more) is series, a list of which you can see by clicking on “Blog” in the navigation bar above. Knowing me and how[…] Keep reading →

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