Search Results for: creativity

The Spodek Method Mindset Shift: Before and After. A World of Difference.

on November 26, 2022 in Leadership, Models

People interviewing me consistently ask “what can one person do?” If people are in the mainstream mindset, giving them instruction will more likely reinforce their current state. That is, if they think stopping polluting activities will make no difference or risk reverting to the Stone Age, then suggesting they plant more trees or avoid straws will seem pointless and make you look foolish in their eyes. I suggest starting with[…] Keep reading →

Cuisine: What It Is and How We Ruin It

on September 12, 2022 in Nature

Cooking from scratch with mainly local ingredients and no electrical power has taught me about cuisine. To clarify, I haven’t gotten any training on cooking. I’ve only had to figure things out based on what’s available. It dawned on me (and I could be wrong, I’m not a historian or anthropologist) that cuisines developed based on what edible things were around in regions—plants, animals, fungi—in what quantities and times. People[…] Keep reading →

571: Chef Dan Barber, part 1: Supporting the whole ecosystem and farmers at every turn

on April 12, 2022 in Podcast

Dan Barber is helping revitalize our food system. We start by going over his background, how fear drove him maybe most of all. Then we get into what drives food: farms and soil combined with creativity. His goal is supporting farming from the most basic level. He doesn’t oppose people shopping farmers markets. He comes alive describing discovering what farmers who know the land learned to practice: diversity, rotation, and[…] Keep reading →

571: Chef Dan Barber, part 1: Supporting the whole ecosystem and farmers at every turn

on April 12, 2022 in Podcast

Dan Barber is helping revitalize our food system. We start by going over his background, how fear drove him maybe most of all. Then we get into what drives food: farms and soil combined with creativity. His goal is supporting farming from the most basic level. He doesn’t oppose people shopping farmers markets. He comes alive describing discovering what farmers who know the land learned to practice: diversity, rotation, and[…] Keep reading →

Read a provocative profile of me by Nancy Colasurdo

on February 2, 2022 in Nature, Stories

Award-winning journalist Nancy Colasurdo, who writes the Unfettered: The Power of Pure Expression blog, interviewed me for a profile of me and another executive leadership coach, Daniela Bryan. The piece is What Happened When I Talked Sustainability with Two Coaches (the same piece on Medium). You’ll find it provocative for the comparisons I make between pollution and historical atrocities others consider incomparable, but are smaller already, with the death and[…] Keep reading →

556: Judith Enck: Beyond Plastic’s Founder and President

on January 29, 2022 in Podcast

Judith shares her work, motivation, and vision on a problem everyone sees killing people and wildlife, but shies from applying themselves to, maybe because we value our polyester clothes, bottled water, laptops, and such. Have we lost the ability to imagine the world before plastic was invented? Her perspective, vision, and plans are common sense, sadly not common, yet, but she’s working to bring us there. We do not need[…] Keep reading →

556: Judith Enck: Beyond Plastic’s Founder and President

on January 29, 2022 in Podcast

Judith shares her work, motivation, and vision on a problem everyone sees killing people and wildlife, but shies from applying themselves to, maybe because we value our polyester clothes, bottled water, laptops, and such. Have we lost the ability to imagine the world before plastic was invented? Her perspective, vision, and plans are common sense, sadly not common, yet, but she’s working to bring us there. We do not need[…] Keep reading →

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