Search Results for: creativity

The Struggle of Living Sustainably in a Society That Supports It in Word But Opposes It in Deed

on January 17, 2022 in Nature, Nonjudgment

I indulged in posting a first draft of something I feel important to share, probably overly bitter or snarky. Acting against the mainstream always makes life difficult, though differently for choosing different directions. I chose to act sustainably and to lead others to. Here are the challenges acting in this direction create. You can read into it as much as you like, but mostly it’s a rough sketch of something[…] Keep reading →

How I started coaching professionally: a “free coaching” offer on Craigslist

on December 15, 2021 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Anyone can do it. It cost me nothing. Cleaning my backup hard drive, I found a file with the text of how I started coaching professionally: by offering free coaching on Craigslist. Below is the text. It led to a few clients. One eventually told me he found it valuable enough he insisted on paying me. I insisted on staying with free, as that’s what I offered, but he said[…] Keep reading →

What leadership brings to sustainability

on November 30, 2021 in Leadership, Nature

Nearly every effort I see for sustainability use methods that don’t work, that promote resistance. They don’t inspire. They tools like cajoling (“Here are ten little things you can do for the environment”), coercing (“people will suffer if you don’t act”), convincing (“If you value your kids’ future, you should change”), and authority (laws). Such methods imply nobody wants to do the things. You may gain compliance but reinforce the[…] Keep reading →

Is flying to protest in Glasgow like PETA practicing animal sacrifice?

on November 10, 2021 in Leadership, Nature

I’m not criticizing protesters at COP26. Maybe they’ll achieve more than I will, though the meaningful comparison is to what they could achieve optimally. It seems to me that flying to Glasgow to protest polluting is like PETA practicing animal sacrifice to help animals or the Pope worshiping Satan to promote Christianity. I’m not trying to be coy. I think you need to practice the values you promote if you[…] Keep reading →

Notes from a reader who made famous no-packaging vegan stew from my video

on October 23, 2021 in Nature

I can’t help sharing feedback from someone I’ve never met, who wrote me after cooking a famous no-packaging vegan stew based on my video to make seitan and stew in a few minutes: That person wrote: I just used your recipe and made a soup lunch for my family. Turned out fantastic and was extremely quick to make. Thank you for sharing! I’ve tried to make seitan before but never[…] Keep reading →

Jojo Mehta

on September 30, 2021 in Podcast

Jojo co-founded Stop Ecocide in 2017, alongside barrister and legal pioneer the late Polly Higgins, to support the establishment of ecocide as a crime at the International Criminal Court. As key spokesperson and Executive Director of Stop Ecocide International, Jojo has overseen the remarkable growth of the movement (teams in 15 countries, websites in 9 languages) while coordinating between legal developments, diplomatic traction and public narrative. She is Chair of[…] Keep reading →

489: Martin Puris, part 2: All big ideas begin in the mind of one person thinking creatively

on July 26, 2021 in Podcast

Martin and I continued our conversation about America, its problems, and what we can do about it. I misread him that he had a specific plan, but that didn’t stop him from clarifying and continuing more of what we spoke about last time. We talked about education, arts, voting, government, the future, the past, competition, and more. Listen for reflections from a master communicator who has worked with people at[…] Keep reading →

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