Search Results for: population

Pictures of North Korea, part 3: first views of Pyongyang

on October 15, 2011 in Freedom, NorthKorea

Continuing writing about my North Korea trip… More pictures. Click on them for larger views. Our first morning driving out from the hotel. We experienced driving in North Korea for the first time the night before, coming in from the airport. We landed in the early evening, but night had fallen by the time we reached the city. With almost no streetlights the city was dark. People kept narrowly getting[…] Keep reading →

Calling emotions positive or negative doesn’t help — it hurts

on July 16, 2011 in Blog, Evolutionary Psychology, Nature

Emotions are how your emotional system reacts to your perception of your environment with motivation to behave. In every culture around the world, in every language, essentially all of us share the same emotions. This commonality is not an accident. Human behavior is driven by human emotions and our behavior is what made us so overwhelmingly successful in population and geographic spread. Our behavior and emotions didn’t come out of[…] Keep reading →

Independence Day

on July 5, 2011 in Blog, Education, Freedom, Leadership

It’s still July 4th in the States as I’m writing this even though it’s July 5th in Shanghai. Of all our national holidays, I value and celebrate Independence Day perhaps the most. By value and celebrate I don’t mean I go to the biggest barbeque I can, though a couple years ago I went to an amazing July 4th party only being an alumnus of an ivy league business school[…] Keep reading →

Leadership and personal development and school

on June 6, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Education, Leadership

In my seminar yesterday I mentioned “plays well with others” may be one of the most valuable skills in adulthood for team-based activities. Yet we treat it as a joke for children, or at best a euphemism implying the student in question doesn’t do well academically. Have you ever learned something amazing while developing yourself as a leader or person and wondered why leadership and personal development isn’t taught in[…] Keep reading →

A vegetarian entrepreneur’s take on test tube meat

on May 18, 2011 in Blog, Entrepreneurship, Nature

This week’s New Yorker has an article on test tube meat — that is, meat produced outside a body. I’ve been talking about it for a while, as someone who doesn’t eat meat and as an entrepreneur. I’m looking forward to reading the article. I first read about the idea on a nerdy site called Slashdot a couple years ago. Technology recently made it possible. I think most people’s reaction[…] Keep reading →

Fracking — unhealthy for people who drink water or breathe air

on February 4, 2011 in Blog, Freedom, Nature

(copying my post to another board where I learned about the movie, slightly out of context) I saw the movie Gasland about fracking last night at Cooper Union and heard Josh Fox, the guy who created it, speak. I don’t recommend many movies, but I recommend this one. If you can talk to Josh Fox, all the better. I’ve since watched and read other web pages and videos. I don’t[…] Keep reading →

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