Search Results for: marathon

My first time biking 100 miles in a day since the 80s (then 51 burpees)

on September 24, 2020 in Fitness, SIDCHAs, Stories

I can’t believe how much today’s ride tired me out. I’ll only post the high-level details before going to sleep. I recently got a new used bike—a touring bike designed to carry enough to go bike camping. The summer between high school and college, a friend and I rode from Philadelphia to Bar Harbor, Maine and back—about 1,500 miles. For years I used bikes as my main commuting vehicles, until[…] Keep reading →

I confess I don’t get a lot of poetry

on September 12, 2020 in Art, Creativity

I’m reading a book of poetry a friend just published. I like a few poems—generally the big ones like Ozymandias and Sonnet 116. I haven’t read much Whitman, but occasionally a work of his has drawn me in and enthralled me. The year I lived in Paris I saw a live performance of Rimbaud’s Une Saison en Enfer in French, though my French wasn’t great so it lost me quickly.[…] Keep reading →

364: Joe De Sena, part 1: The Spartan Race: Resilience from effort

on July 28, 2020 in Podcast

Joe DeSena founded the Spartan Race and hosts the Spartan Up podcast. For those who know about me and my burpees, cold showers, rowing a marathon, picking up garbage daily, and so on, you can imagine I love what he does. Joe has made it his mission to bring the emotional rewards of joy, service, happiness, resilience, grit, toughness, and all those things to the world by creating a culture[…] Keep reading →

364: Joe De Sena, part 1: The Spartan Race: Resilience from effort

on July 28, 2020 in Podcast

Joe DeSena founded the Spartan Race and hosts the Spartan Up podcast. For those who know about me and my burpees, cold showers, rowing a marathon, picking up garbage daily, and so on, you can imagine I love what he does. Joe has made it his mission to bring the emotional rewards of joy, service, happiness, resilience, grit, toughness, and all those things to the world by creating a culture[…] Keep reading →

Joe De Sena

on July 28, 2020 in Podcast

Entrepreneurial Drive Joe de Sena has demonstrated his entrepreneurial drive since his pre-teens. After building a multimillion-dollar pool and construction business in college, and creating a Wall Street trading firm, De Sena set his sights on ripping 100 million people off their couches by creating the Spartan lifestyle. Following a successful career on Wall Street, De Sena moved his family to Pittsfield, Vermont to operate an organic farm, a bed[…] Keep reading →

361: George Chmiel, part 1: Why run 3,000 miles? Why challenge yourself?

on July 21, 2020 in Podcast

George and I talked about three big topics George Floyd demonstrations and riots from the view of a man watching his businesses and his communities’ businesses vandalized and destroyed. You’ll also hear him reflect as a man who dismissed Colin Kaepernick—in his view disrespecting the flag. Why did he have that view? For supporting veterans, especially veteran suicide, through incredible runs—ultramarathons, 100-mile-plus runs, and longer. The more he ran for[…] Keep reading →

361: George Chmiel, part 1: Why run 3,000 miles? Why challenge yourself?

on July 21, 2020 in Podcast

George and I talked about three big topics George Floyd demonstrations and riots from the view of a man watching his businesses and his communities’ businesses vandalized and destroyed. You’ll also hear him reflect as a man who dismissed Colin Kaepernick—in his view disrespecting the flag. Why did he have that view? For supporting veterans, especially veteran suicide, through incredible runs—ultramarathons, 100-mile-plus runs, and longer. The more he ran for[…] Keep reading →

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