Search Results for: marathon

George Chmiel

on July 21, 2020 in Podcast

George Chmiel is an entrepreneur, speaker, endurance athlete and charity fundraiser. George’s greatest passions in life involve bringing people together for a higher purpose and tackling seemingly impossible challenges that stretch the limits of mind, body and soul. He has completed 42 marathons, Ironman Lake Placid, 100-mile ultramarathons on all seven continents, and is one of 200 people to complete the 4Deserts series (6-day, 155-mile self-supported stage races across the[…] Keep reading →

More tired than in years

on July 19, 2020 in Fitness

I don’t remember the last time I was this tired, so I hope you’ll pardon me keeping it short. Wednesday I swam across the Hudson River, about 1 km across, though the current took us from across from about 70th Street to 35th Street. The distance the current took us didn’t tire me, but I walked to 39th Street from home and from 35th Street home. I take cold showers[…] Keep reading →

Kings of sidchas

on June 20, 2020 in Fitness, Habits, Leadership, SIDCHAs

I knew my daily streaks of writing in my blog and doing burpees of nearly ten years were just starts. I like to find role models. I discovered sidcha streaks that dwarf mine, in fact that started before I was born. Two organizations—Streak Runners International and United States Running Streak Association—track people who have run at least a mile per day. Their slogan: “Through weather, injury, illness, and life events,[…] Keep reading →

Learning to walk barefoot again

on May 14, 2020 in Fitness, Visualization

For years I had to wear orthotics when running in regular running shoes and still felt back pain to where I gave up running. Switching to minimal running shoes returned me to pain-free running. Interviewing podcast guest Nir Eyal, he talked about barefoot running. Most people mean ‘minimal shoe’ when they say ‘barefoot,’ but Nir meant barefoot. I decided to experiment running barefoot. Switching to minimal shoe running, where I[…] Keep reading →

337: Why we feel miserable under lockdown

on May 9, 2020 in Podcast

Below are my notes for my podcast episode: 337: Why we feel miserable under lockdown. I got more feedback on it than usual and some said they might want to comment on it, which my podcast doesn’t allow. The notes are just the skeleton. As you’ll hear listening to it, I elaborate on them somewhat. I discuss the connection between perceiving lack of variety in food made from scratch and[…] Keep reading →

337: Why we feel miserable under lockdown

on May 9, 2020 in Podcast

I discuss the connection between perceiving lack of variety in food made from scratch and feeling miserable and bored under lockdown, despite having access to all the world’s art, music, literature, and culture ever recorded and more material abundance than kings only a few generations ago, despite our material abundance being only slightly less than a few months ago. Here are the notes I read from for this episode: Yesterday[…] Keep reading →

337: Why we feel miserable under lockdown

on May 9, 2020 in Podcast

I discuss the connection between perceiving lack of variety in food made from scratch and feeling miserable and bored under lockdown, despite having access to all the world’s art, music, literature, and culture ever recorded and more material abundance than kings only a few generations ago, despite our material abundance being only slightly less than a few months ago. Here are the notes I read from for this episode: Yesterday[…] Keep reading →

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