Search Results for: marathon

Inspired to my first run in almost a year: 9 miles. Still plogging.

on August 18, 2021 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs, Stories

I finished six marathons and my exercise habit began by joining the cross country team in high school in 1986. Ultimate had a lot of running in it. Practice led me to love running. I didn’t at first, when I struggled. I’ve had my share of running injuries. Last year I started running barefoot, inspired by podcast guest Nir Eyal. Over the winter I tend to row inside on the[…] Keep reading →

Why I Chose Not to Run for Office

on June 21, 2021 in Leadership, Nature

First, I support people who choose to work through government to stop our degrading Earth’s ability to sustain life. I believe they can achieve a lot. I want to get them votes. But I see other ways to lead that others aren’t doing where I can affect more. When I concluded the most important missing action on sustainability was leadership about a decade ago, I considered running for office. We[…] Keep reading →

The Benefits of Staying Local

on April 23, 2021 in Fitness, Nature, Stories

I would have viewed avoiding flying as missing out until I experienced what happens when I don’t fly. I don’t sit in the corner crying, feeling sorry for myself. I develop the skills to create what I used to pay for. I’ll give a few examples how avoiding flying, or as I put it now, staying local, enriched my life. Wondering how I’d get off North America, I took sailing[…] Keep reading →

Alexandra Paul

on April 15, 2021 in Podcast

Alexandra has appeared in 100 feature films and television programs, usually as the first or second female lead. She is internationally recognized for her 5-year starring role as Lt. Stephanie Holden in the TV series Baywatch. Alexandra recently launched her wellness coaching business. As a health coach, Alexandra personally coaches clients on the phone all over the world, and speaks to groups on how to change their habits for a[…] Keep reading →

After ten years, pushing 50, burpees are getting harder

on April 12, 2021 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I remember the first time I saw an old person doing burpees. Her body didn’t have the flexibility or strength to do them how a younger person could. When I started mine, around 40 years old, I knew I couldn’t do them like guy in his thirties or twenties. I didn’t think about how they’d feel later. Over the years, as I’ve grown stronger and with experience, I’ve added to[…] Keep reading →

I unplugged my fridge for the winter

on November 22, 2020 in Habits, Nature

[EDIT: I recorded a podcast episode on why I unplugged my fridge Now back to the original post] Last year, sometime in late December, after reading about some cultures preserve food more through fermentation, drying, and other methods than refrigeration, I unplugged my fridge to see how long I could go without a fridge. I also noted how cool my windowsill was, providing some natural refrigeration so I could keep[…] Keep reading →

Parting with material things

on November 6, 2020 in Freedom

I was asked about getting rid of things to free one’s life. I own way too many things, but fewer than I used to—a lot fewer, so I think I can talk about it. I don’t think I shared here my experience with my marathon medals. I kept them after many rounds of getting rid of books, clothes, etc. Eventually I realized I was ready to get rid of them[…] Keep reading →

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