Search Results for: marathon

“Titty twister”

on May 4, 2022 in Fitness, Stories

What does unwanted body fat have to do with pollution? At my father’s eightieth birthday last year, I saw friend and coworkers of his I hadn’t seen since childhood. The first thing one of them said to me was that he remembered me as chubby. By today’s American standards, I may not have been, but I remember from my childhood my older stepbrother grabbing my nipples and the fat underneath[…] Keep reading →

Why I’m writing at 3am: I’m so sore that moving wakes me up.

on May 1, 2022 in Exercises, Fitness

Yesterday I ran outdoors for the first time this spring. Two days before I lifted weights and was still feeling tired, plus I’m fifty years old, so I took it easy and ran at a comfortable, even slow pace. Now I’m so sore that tossing and turning in bed wakes me up. [EDIT, the next morning: Note that I’m not complaining in this post. I’m just observing. If anything, I[…] Keep reading →

Why bother with individual action if it doesn’t change systems and similar, ignorant questions

on February 3, 2022 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Models, Nature

Why bother with individual action if it alone doesn’t change systems? The ignorance behind that question astounds me. I’ll put the question in parallel, equally ignorant forms: Why bother changing your baby’s diaper if it doesn’t solve infant mortality? Why take the first step of a marathon if it doesn’t take you across the finish line? Why eat healthy or exercise if it doesn’t solve obesity, diabetes, and heart disease?[…] Keep reading →

Rollie Williams

on January 31, 2022 in Podcast

Rollie Williams describes himself as “Writer, Editor, Producer, Climate Change Admitter, Billiards Enthusiast, Insufferable.” He also has a masters degree in Climate and Society from Columbia University. He hosts Climate Town, comedy videos about the climate crisis. He and a ragtag team of climate communicators, creatives and comedians are here to examine climate change in a way that doesn’t make you want to eat a cyanide pill. They have hundreds[…] Keep reading →

A chapter of my life, in the words of a massively bestselling author

on January 30, 2022 in Nonjudgment, Relationships, Stories

Regular readers of my blog and listeners of my podcast know that before I started coaching executives and leading famous people and after decades of struggling with social and emotional skills, limiting my intimacy, especially with women, I dove headlong into learning attraction skills. I shared about it in depth in my Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll series on my podcast, where I was the guest, particularly the episode[…] Keep reading →

The Struggle of Living Sustainably in a Society That Supports It in Word But Opposes It in Deed

on January 17, 2022 in Nature, Nonjudgment

I indulged in posting a first draft of something I feel important to share, probably overly bitter or snarky. Acting against the mainstream always makes life difficult, though differently for choosing different directions. I chose to act sustainably and to lead others to. Here are the challenges acting in this direction create. You can read into it as much as you like, but mostly it’s a rough sketch of something[…] Keep reading →

Ten years (3,652 consecutive days)

on December 21, 2021 in Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I just finished my second set today of twice-daily burpee-based calisthenics. Normally, I do my second set in the evening, but since I started the habit on December 22, 2011 and today is December 21, 2021, today completes my first decade. I already finished my first decade of publishing blog posts, nearing 5,000. Here are all of them. 20 percent of the time has been on a single load of[…] Keep reading →

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