Search Results for: creativity

“Philosophy of Shrinking Footprints” and “Shrinking Your Travel Footprint”, hear me on 2 Growthbusters episodes

on January 1, 2021 in Audio, Nature, Podcast

One of the few podcasts I listen to every episodes of is Growthbusters. Hosts Dave and Erika invited me for third and fourth appearances, which went live the other day. I list Dave as one of my environmental role models. Here are past times I’ve mentioned him or Growthbusters in my blog. The Philosophy of Shrinking Footprints Show notes We set out to make this the second of a series[…] Keep reading →

358: Bald versus plastic

on July 9, 2020 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Podcast

Here are the notes I read this episode from: People keep acting like I’m different, that they have to balance things that I don’t when acting on the environment. So I’ll share a recent decision I made. People I tell have sounded intrigued and delighted to hear it so I’ll share with you. First sensed hairline retreating at 19. Not much for maybe a decade following, I don’t remember. Maybe[…] Keep reading →

358: Bald Versus Plastic

on July 9, 2020 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Podcast

Here are the notes I read this episode from: People keep acting like I’m different, that they have to balance things that I don’t when acting on the environment. So I’ll share a recent decision I made. People I tell have sounded intrigued and delighted to hear it so I’ll share with you. First sensed hairline retreating at 19. Not much for maybe a decade following, I don’t remember. Maybe[…] Keep reading →

337: Why we feel miserable under lockdown

on May 9, 2020 in Podcast

Below are my notes for my podcast episode: 337: Why we feel miserable under lockdown. I got more feedback on it than usual and some said they might want to comment on it, which my podcast doesn’t allow. The notes are just the skeleton. As you’ll hear listening to it, I elaborate on them somewhat. I discuss the connection between perceiving lack of variety in food made from scratch and[…] Keep reading →

337: Why we feel miserable under lockdown

on May 9, 2020 in Podcast

I discuss the connection between perceiving lack of variety in food made from scratch and feeling miserable and bored under lockdown, despite having access to all the world’s art, music, literature, and culture ever recorded and more material abundance than kings only a few generations ago, despite our material abundance being only slightly less than a few months ago. Here are the notes I read from for this episode: Yesterday[…] Keep reading →

337: Why we feel miserable under lockdown

on May 9, 2020 in Podcast

I discuss the connection between perceiving lack of variety in food made from scratch and feeling miserable and bored under lockdown, despite having access to all the world’s art, music, literature, and culture ever recorded and more material abundance than kings only a few generations ago, despite our material abundance being only slightly less than a few months ago. Here are the notes I read from for this episode: Yesterday[…] Keep reading →

My keynote at Sustainology 2019 (video)

on January 16, 2020 in Leadership, Nature

I gave the lead off keynote talk at the 9th annual Sustainology, hosted by the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce at Citi’s headquarters in Tribeca, Manhattan on November 12, 2019. Sustainology’s mission “An Impact Unicorn is a disruptive company impacting over 1 billion people” Let’s measure the success of unicorn companies through impact instead of dollars! In a single day, ‘Sustainology Summit – One Billion’ will bring together and demonstrate[…] Keep reading →

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