Search Results for: creativity

A Christmas Thought on Population and Climate

on December 25, 2019 in Humor

Have you heard the retort that the solution to climate change is more babies? Search and you’ll find many people, generally US conservatives, repeating it. Senator Mike Lee, Republican of Utah, said: Climate change is an engineering problem — not social engineering, but the real kind. It’s a challenge of creativity, ingenuity, and technological invention. And problems of human imagination are not solved by more laws, but by more humans![…] Keep reading →

Why take initiative in business? Hear me on Smashing the Plateau

on June 6, 2019 in Audio

My friend David Shriner-Cahn brought me back to his Smashing the Plateau podcast. We talked initiative in business, both my book Initiative and the concept. Listen to our conversation. I’m honored and flattered that he used “groundbreaking” to describe my book and work. Since we’ve known each other so long and hosted each other on our podcasts, the conversation was friendly and allowed me to share some from behind the[…] Keep reading →

Living by your values promotes innovation (if it helps)

on May 27, 2019 in Leadership

I keep seeing the opinion that regulation stifles creativity and innovation. Searching on “regulation stifles innovation” returns plenty of hits. I’m not a historian or economist, so please show me if I’m missing anything, but I find the opposite. My big example is cars. Today we value safety, efficiency, and durability. Actually, I think most buyers always valued those things. In the 60s, the U.S. car industry largely ignored those[…] Keep reading →

Jonas Koffler

on May 25, 2019 in Podcast

Jonas Koffler is the New York Times and Los Angeles Times bestselling coauthor of HUSTLE: The Power to Charge Your Life with Money, Meaning, and Momentum. The book deals with counterintuitive truths on personal innovation, psychological insights on growth and success, and surprising findings on how we break free of outdated models, experiment and manufacture luck, surface talents and discover what moves us in work and life. It has been[…] Keep reading →

Hear me with Dr. Diane Hamilton on Take the Lead Radio

on May 17, 2019 in Audio, Entrepreneurship

Dr. Hamilton interviewed me on her radio show, “Enabling People To Take Initiative with Joshua Spodek.” Here are her episode notes: As much as curiosity breeds creativity, many still struggle in taking the initiative and ownership of their ideas. In the entrepreneurial world, an idea-generating culture is what most aim for. Joshua Spodek, the bestselling author of Leadership Step by Step, helps people to spark ideas that may bring down[…] Keep reading →

Over twenty years in the making . . .

on May 15, 2019 in

Buy from Indiebound Amazon Barnes & Noble Smashwords Initiative: A Proven Method to Bring Your Passions to Life (and Work) Even (especially) if you don’t know yours yet Buy from Indiebound | Amazon | B & N | Smashwords I felt trapped as I approached graduation. My advanced degrees led me to ask what I could do with them. They narrowed my options. Wait. Isn’t narrowing options the opposite of[…] Keep reading →

The blurbs for Initiative, my new book

on May 8, 2019 in Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship

My new book, Initiative: A Proven Method to Bring Your Passions to Life (and Work), is going to press, on time for a May 21 release. In the meantime, I’ll share excerpts and inside views. Today I bring you the blurbs. I don’t know about you, but they make me want to read it. Email me if interested in reviewing it before its release to post reviews so others know[…] Keep reading →

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