Can I pick your brain? … Daniel Gefen’s wonderful, funny, penetrating interview of consistency and greatness you can achieve
I wish I could convey how much fun Daniel Gefen and I had talking before the podcast. I think it comes out in the conversation.
Beyond being fun, Daniel went into depth nobody has about something I long wished someone would—the motivation behind the burpees and sidchas. Most interviewers ask about what I do, less about why or the effects.
Daniel delved into consistency and how much it can create in your life.

Daniel Gefen’s Can I Pick Your Brain interview of Joshua Spodek
From Daniel’s about page:
Here are Daniel’s show notes:
My guest today is probably one of the most accomplished and consistent individuals I have had the pleasure to meet.
Joshua Spodek holds five Ivy-League degrees, including a PhD in Astrophysics and an MBA from Columbia University, has finished six marathons, holds six patents, has co-founded several education ventures, competed at the World and National level of Ultimate Frisbee, including playing at the first Ultimate Tournament in North Korea, swam across the Hudson River, has done over 90,000 burpees (we’ll explain what those are in the show), wrote over 2,400 blog posts, has taken over 250 cold showers, has jumped out of two airplanes, visited 26 countries on six continents,
If that’s not enough he helped build an X-ray observational satellite orbiting the Earth as part of a multi-billion-dollar decade-plus mission led by the European Space Agency with NASA!
As one of few people in the world to have visited North Korea twice, he has lectured and published a book on North Korean strategy.
Joshuah currently leads seminars in Leadership, Creativity, Sales, Strategy, and Motivation at institutions including Columbia Business School, Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, MIT, NYU, INSEAD, the New York Academy of Science, and in private corporations.
His coaching clients include start-up founders as well as employees of Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, American Express, Google, Yahoo!, Sony, IBM, Proctor & Gamble,, the U.S. Treasury, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Army, aamong many others.
Esquire Magazine’s Genius Issue names him “The Best and Brightestâ€
NBC coined him an “Astrophysicist turned new media whiz†(NBC),
Forbes and ABC news called him a “Rocket Scientistâ€
His work as an artist has won him an Obie Award for Design Excellence and reached the semifinals in the Adobe Design Achievement Awards.
He’s also the Founder of Spodek Academy, Co founder of Submedia and Author of the bestselling book ‘Leadership Step by Step’
It is with great pleasure and honor to welcome to you a scientist ,inventor, Author, entrepreneur, artist, Strategist, leader, coach, and educator.
A man who truly understands the power of consistency.
What you will learn:
- How to become a super achiever by being more consistent
- How to be the best in the world at whatever you want
- How Joshua swam across the Hudson River
- The 3 keys to becoming more consistent
- How to develop discipline through practice
- The one thing more effective than willpower
- How to become a leader
- … and MUCH MORE
Interesting highlights:
- Joshua has done more than 90,000 burpees
- Joshua has played ultimate Frisbee in North Korea
- Joshua has written a blog everyday for over 2,400 days
- Joshua helped build an X-ray observational satellite orbiting the Earth
Joshua’s #1 practical advice:Â
Wanna pick Joshua’s brain?  Join my exclusive FB group now!
Resources & Links:
- Episode 0 of my show (please don’t laugh)
- Spodek AcademyÂ
- Free Leadership ExercisesÂ
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees