This photograph is free!

on January 11, 2012 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Freedom

I find this picture of the Eiffel Tower beautiful. A guy named Tristan Nitot took the picture and posted it for people to share and enjoy in a post called “This photograph is free.” He posted it in response to some other guy whose name I don’t know who posted a picture he took entitled “This photograph is not free.” I won’t link to him because I’m afraid he might attack[…] Keep reading →

“Elements” — Special viewing of my art December 10, 8-10pm

on December 6, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Please join us for a special viewing of Elements Artwork by Joshua Spodek at District 36 If you missed my show at Crossing Art Gallery in June, this will be your first chance to see my new series. If you’ve only seen my public pieces Union Square and Bryant Park, this series is on a whole other level. Plus we can have wine here. If you haven’t seen it since[…] Keep reading →

My North Korea talk slides

on December 4, 2011 in Art, Freedom, Leadership, NorthKorea

Here are the slides for my North Korea talk at Fred. I expect to show a lot of images, mainly from Joseph’s amazing pictures on Flickr. I like my pictures, but his are phenomenal. Here is a pdf of the slides. Sorry the transitions don’t make it in, but the slides are pretty light. I’ll put up the video when they post it.

Upcoming events!

on December 3, 2011 in Art, Blog, Leadership

Three awesome events coming up. Sunday 7pm I’m speaking on North Korea at the wonderful FRED talks 5 Crosby Street, #5H in Soho. Saturday, December 10, 8-10pm, see my art at District 36. Stay if you like to hear Sharam, of the Grammy-winning Duo Deep Dish. The pieces will be ones that I showed at my show at Crossing Art Gallery in June and July, so if you missed that[…] Keep reading →

Director of MTA Arts for Transit on Union Square in Motion

on November 26, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity

The Architectural League of New York‘s online magazine Urban Omnibus interviewed Sandra Bloodworth, the Director of the MTA Arts for Transit. In the article, “Arts for Transit: A Conversation with Sandra Bloodworth,” she mentions Union Square in Motion, which is also shown in photograph. Considering others mentioned and pictured include Roy Lichtenstein, Sol LeWitt, and Elizabeth Murray, that’s an honor. The quality and quantity of art within the MTA is[…] Keep reading →

Pictures of North Korea, part 8: the road back to Pyongyang

on November 16, 2011 in Art, NorthKorea

Today’s pictures were from the bus ride back from the Demilitarized Zone and Kaesong to Pyongyang. The early bus rides featured a lot of very friendly, open, and educational interchange between the guides and us. For some reason Mr. Kim, whom we affectionately nicknamed Crazy Kim for his ebullience and outspoken expression, quieted down after the first few days. Our loss.     I wrote the following about the above[…] Keep reading →

Pictures of North Korea, part 7: Kaesong

on November 15, 2011 in Art, NorthKorea

After visiting the Demilitarized Zone we visited the city of Kaesong, the southernmost city in North Korea. WordPress doesn’t always get links in captions, so here’s a sentence in there with some links, “Here’s a video of many to start with and here’s a Wikipedia page.” After the day in Kaesong, we went to a traditional-style hotel, I think this one. I went to sleep early, but others drank and[…] Keep reading →

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