My background for getting into an Ivy League business school in 23 days

on August 19, 2012 in Blog, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Tips

Yesterday I posted about the process I stumbled into for getting into an Ivy League business school in 23 days. How to read this post Today I’ll talk about the credentials that made it possible. But please recognize, the point of these posts is not merely to show you how to get into business school, but to show you that you can combine whatever you have in your past into[…] Keep reading →

I started at an Ivy League business school 23 days after deciding to apply. Here’s how.

on August 18, 2012 in Blog, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Tips

On December 10, 2004 I decided to apply to business school. I had written no essays, taken no GMAT, reviewed no school’s web site or application process, and asked no one for a recommendation. On January 2, 2005, 23 days later, I began orientation at Columbia Business School (ranked #5 by Forbes, Economist, and Financial Times). I got my MBA the following May, less than eighteen months from deciding to[…] Keep reading →

North Korean children’s nearly unbelievable performances

on August 4, 2012 in Art, Creativity, Education, NorthKorea

The pictures below don’t even approach showing the almost unbelievable performance ability of North Korean children. Joseph’s pictures showcase their talent better. But no images can show the professionalism, dedication, and raw talent these kids have. The pictures below are from the Children’s Palace, which trains children to perform and create art and puts on incredible performances. After their performance last time, my travel groupmate who was starting a school[…] Keep reading →

What works in X web page mind map

on July 29, 2012 in Blog, Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Following up a comment on my post on the What Works in X web page genius idea, I created a mind map as a rough outline for the site to illustrate it better. It’s only a rough outline, but I think a good start. Copying from my response to the reader’s comment I envision people at What Works in X sharing anecdotes of things they’ve done at a higher level,[…] Keep reading →

Another genius business idea: the “What Works in X” web page

on July 27, 2012 in Blog, Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Following up on yesterdays’ genius business idea for a book series of successful solved problems in many fields, today let’s look at a web page doing something similar. Instead of making it just like a book, let’s take advantage of the web’s interactivity and let users create content. It’s based on the principles of the Art of What Works (the book I mentioned the other day) The product A web[…] Keep reading →

Another genius business idea: the “What Works in X” book series

on July 26, 2012 in Blog, Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

For the first genius business idea (the series I mentioned a couple days ago) I propose a book series based on the principles of the Art of What Works (the book I mentioned yesterday). The product A series of books like the “for dummies” and “for complete idiot” series, all with the same dimensions, cover design and color scheme, tone, writing style, etc called “What works inX”, like “What Works[…] Keep reading →

The Art of What Works

on July 25, 2012 in Blog, Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

One of Columbia Business School’s most popular courses in recent years has been in strategy, called Napoleon’s Glance, named after a book by the instructor, Bill Duggan. Former students I’ve talked to rave about it. I was fortunate to do an independent study with him before his course exploded in popularity. Now it’s so successful I doubt he could devote that kind of attention to a single student. Despite the[…] Keep reading →

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