Perhaps this blog’s most useful and effective advice

on May 2, 2012 in Blog, Fitness, Tips

For all my lessons learned, the Model, the Method, and so on, if we want to improve our lives, little works more effectively than Eat well Sleep well Exercise If you do nothing more than the above, you’ll at least have a stable baseline of neutral. Last I checked, no medicine works better than exercise at keeping yourself happy. This advice costs nothing, takes little extra time, and requires no[…] Keep reading →

Why don’t they teach emotional intelligence and self awareness in school? (part 1, K-12)

on April 21, 2012 in Blog, Education, Fitness, Leadership

I write a lot about leadership skills and how to improve your life through understanding how emotions work in general, how yours work in particular, and becoming aware of your emotions as well as everyone else’s. As a result of focusing on leadership, my community has become full of people with similar interests (you, perhaps?). They all tell me learning and practicing it improves their lives. We prefer having each[…] Keep reading →

How to get the body you want

on April 17, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness, Tips

This isn’t a diet or fitness blog, but your body is a major part of you. I don’t see how you can live the life you want without achieving the body you want. Conversely, if you don’t have the body you want, I suggest you aren’t living according to your values: your body tells you what to change to create the lifestyle you want. This post is about emotions like[…] Keep reading →

Two representations of problems with America

on April 5, 2012 in Blog, Fitness, Freedom

EDIT: the site I linked to changed their post so I removed the link on “America’s Fat Future.” Sorry for any inconvenience. Americans eat too much and keep getting fatter. Here’s a graphic a reader sent on “America’s Fat Future.” Our government can’t stop itself from spying on us. Here’s a graphic on the unchecked growth of one part of the government spying on us. I post these images not[…] Keep reading →

Physical and emotional tension are similar and you can use either to help the other

on April 3, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness

We use the same word to describe emotional and physical tension for a reason. They go together. I tend to think of them almost as the same thing. I haven’t done any scientific studies, but I’ve found any time someone has emotional tension, it will manifest itself physically. Any time you have physical tension, it will constrain you physically. When I see someone who walks and moves stiffly, I find[…] Keep reading →

How gyms having big mirrors helps so much

on March 18, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness

Gyms having big mirrors helps a lot and you should use them if you want to get in better shape. I used to think they had them to help you with your form while exercising. They do help for that, but I realized a better reason. Some background: I’ve been in shape most of my life, mostly since I started running cross country in high school. My family got me[…] Keep reading →

Spring sunshine and breezes

on March 14, 2012 in Blog, Fitness

Burpees and rowing indoors are great, but nothing beats getting up early and running in the morning sun with 60 degree light breezes. Freedom — what life is about. Especially for the first time in the spring. (I still did my daily burpees anyway, of course.)

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