Occupy Wall Street and Leadership, part 4: Bloomberg taking sides polarizes situation

on November 25, 2011 in Blog, Freedom, Leadership

After finishing the first three posts in this series I found the first link returned on searching “bloomberg occupy wall street” quoted him Tuesday in the Daily News. Reporters are motivated to play up controversy, so I figure the reporter may have taken the quotes out of context. Based on what I read, I see Bloomberg increasing the polarization, taking sides, and missing his opportunity to lead. As a leader,[…] Keep reading →

Occupy Wall Street and Leadership, part 3: recommendations

on November 24, 2011 in Blog, Freedom, Leadership

Okay, now we understand the situation. What can be done? As I wrote yesterday, people don’t want to protest. They want their voices heard and to understand and agree with the process they’re talking about. The opportunity for the Mayor of New York City is to follow a three-fold path Support the right to speak freely in his city Recognize the need for order and non-violence Support the city’s great[…] Keep reading →

Occupy Wall Street and Leadership, part 2: the New York City Mayor’s opportunity

on November 23, 2011 in Blog, Freedom, Leadership

Following yesterday’s context… Bloomberg has done a lot for the city. I like the increased bike lanes and pedestrian zones in Times Square, Herald Square, and Madison Square that have appeared under his leadership, for example. But personally I remember him most for what I saw as his lack of leadership during the 2004 Republican convention in New York City. People wanted to protest non-violently. The police refused permission to[…] Keep reading →

Occupy Wall Street and leadership, part 1: the context

on November 22, 2011 in Blog, Freedom, Leadership

This series of posts will present easy, low-risk-of-error, high-chance-of-success actions that would-be leaders can do. As always in this blog, it begins with context and an overview of the relevant principles as I see them. So far, the movement has revealed a stunning lack of leadership all around. People ask who is leading the movement. Great question, but the protesters are only one place lacking leadership. While most people point[…] Keep reading →

On Responsibility and Occupy Wall Street

on October 29, 2011 in Blog, Freedom

Pausing from my series on the Method, I haven’t written much about Occupy Wall Street, despite it being the topic of much conversation in New York. On an online community, I couldn’t help respond to someone else’s post on responsibility. [another community member] wrote: …taking responsibility for ones self is the clear problem here..They are not taking responsibility for themselves and blaming.. I think they would be better off camping[…] Keep reading →

How to make people around you miserable

on August 20, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Tips

People sabotage their relationships and lives without realizing it. You might too. Today’s post will tell you an effective way to make your relationships miserable and shallow, in contrast to yesterday’s post on how to get others to improve your life. People do the opposite of that post’s ideas and, lo and behold, achieve opposite results. They have apparently valid, but ultimately shortsighted and counterproductive, reasons for their behavior. Their[…] Keep reading →

Leaders take responsibility

on June 24, 2011 in Blog, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

One last behavioral trend to round out a few recent posts on behaviors that correlate with importance. The others were on leaders having the least stuff, being the least hurried, and the most common route to becoming CEO. People know this one, though they don’t always act consistently with it. Look throughout an organization. The higher you move in the organization chart, the more responsibility people have. Having responsibility because[…] Keep reading →

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