Search Results for: conservative

Are liberals trying to prove conservatives right?

on June 17, 2024 in Addiction, Leadership

Last week I posted about Why many litterers are entitled and one way the most entitled justify littering. People, including poor and homeless people, justify littering and try to stop me from cleaning up litter. They say other people are paid to do it, so it’s okay and right to leave plastic cups and food containers on the ground, then walk way. The result: on pleasant days, my neighborhood looks[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media: March 24, 2024: The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Elliot

on March 24, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Elliot, by Russel Kirk: I learned of this book from the Conservatism 101 course I wrote about in last week’s selective media post. I read the book partly to learn, partly to see what of conservative values, history, and philosophy might resonate with sustainability. It turns out plenty. I read some online but mostly listened to twenty hours of its[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media: The Conservative as Environmentalist: From Goldwater and the Early Reagan to the 21st Century; The Text and Context of “Enough and as Good”: John Locke as the Foundation of an Environmental Liberalism; Ayn Rand videos

on August 6, 2023 in Tips

This week I read and watched: The Conservative as Environmentalist: From Goldwater and the Early Reagan to the 21st Century, by Daniel A. Farber: Farber is a professor of law and Director of the Environmental Law Program the UC Berkeley Law School. He published the document in 2017. It’s fascinating, covering support for environmental protections, ideology, and cases of bold activism from I was glad to see one podcast guest[…] Keep reading →

American culture today: “Here’s why I can’t” (especially among conservatives, liberals, and libertarians)

on August 7, 2022 in Nature

I grew up learning that American culture meant can-do. That we took on challenges as a nation and as individuals. When the going got tough, the tough got going. The bigger they come the harder they fall. Now we face a challenge: our lifestyles are lowering Earth’s ability to sustain life, already killing tens of millions a year, projected more. Anyone can tell that we as a nation and every[…] Keep reading →

Hear me live 9pm eastern on America Out Loud After Dark (conservative radio) on living off the electric grid

on August 2, 2022 in Audio, Nature

Longtime readers know my inclination to speak to people with different views, not disconnect. Rob and Andrew host After Dark on the conservative America Out Loud network and we connect on communicating more, not less. They’ve been guests on my podcast and I’ve been a guest on their show. We agree on various issues and disagree on others and have become friends. Rob lives in New York City. He and[…] Keep reading →

Conservative trickery. Do others use it too?

on January 12, 2022 in Blog

Does anyone else see the trend? Compassionate conservative Clean coal Green growth Moral majority Free market Take your biggest criticism and put the reverse in front. Without changing anything about yourself, you make yourself impervious to criticism. Only one thing: coal isn’t clean and growth isn’t green, no matter how much anyone says they are. Liberals and other groups might use the technique. I haven’t noticed. If you know of[…] Keep reading →

537: Nate Hochman, part 1: Toward a Conservative Environmentalism

on December 7, 2021 in Podcast

I met Nate on Citizens Climate Lobby panel on conservatives and climate, then read his National Review piece, Toward a Conservative Environmentalism, which we talk about in this conversation. I’ve looked forward to a conversation like this for a long time: a thoughtful approach to the environment that isn’t politicized. Nate doesn’t hide his values and approach, but understands and respects alternative views. He shares views on questions like How[…] Keep reading →

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