Milton Friedman: Free Markets Don’t Have to Mean Growth and Governments Ought to Regulate Pollution

on May 25, 2024 in Freedom, Models, Nonjudgment

Researching more for my upcoming book and planning to write opinion pieces, I’m learning more limited government, free market thought and practice relevant to sustainability and the environment. It’s relevant beyond anything I expected. If only people asked questions of people they disagreed with and listened to their answers in 2024 as much as they tried to convince and defeat, we’d have solved a lot of problems where we mutually[…] Keep reading →

757: Dr. Anna Lembke, part 1: Dopamine Nation

on May 24, 2024 in Podcast

Regular listeners know I see our relationships with many activities that are enabled by pollution as behavioral addictions like gambling or playing video games. Thus, I bring experts in addiction. Anna’s book Dopamine Nation is one of the most accessible I’ve read. She covers the scale of addiction, how much it’s increasing, how it works, her personal history with her own addiction, and the stories of several of her patients.[…] Keep reading →

Year 2, day 365 of my apartment disconnected from the electric grid

on May 23, 2024 in Freedom, Leadership, Stories

On May 24, 2022, I opened the main circuit to the electric grid, disconnecting my apartment from it. Two days before I had unplugged my appliances but noticed the outlets next to sinks have LEDs to show they’re safe. Despite what part-time vegetarians say, I don’t believe that not zero is zero, so to consume zero power, including those LEDs, I disconnected the whole apartment. My goal was not using[…] Keep reading →

756: Kimberly Nicholas: How to Fly Less? Fly less.

on May 22, 2024 in Podcast

Kimberly has, by dramatically reducing her flying, improved her life, living more deliberately and consistent with her values. I met her when she was a panelist at an event on promoting hurting people less by flying less. I invited her as someone to explore her journey of reducing her flying. In our conversation, the shared how she went from learning the possibility to promoting staying grounded. Many stages overlapped with[…] Keep reading →

He who lives by pollution dies by pollution.

on May 21, 2024 in Freedom, Leadership

I was reading an account of Martin Luther King during the Montgomery Bus Boycott and noticed how a few things he said, often quoting or paraphrasing Jesus, applied to today. The big one was “He who lives by the sword dies by the sword,” which doesn’t seem a stretch to say those who live by pollution die by pollution. Despite everyone saying their flying does so much good it’s worth[…] Keep reading →

My new book title and subtitle

on May 20, 2024 in Creativity

I’m done editing anything more than grammar or factual errors, and while some slip through on many books, they’re all fixed. I’ve gone through many titles, each working at its stage of development, but this one seems right for launch: Sustainability Simplified The Definitive Guide to Understanding and Solving All (Yes, All) Our Environmental Problems I welcome your thoughts. What do you think?

This week’s selected media, May 19, 2024: The Power of Habit, Conservatism

on May 19, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, by Charles Duhigg: Approaching a quarter-million burpees without missing a day in over a decade, among other habits, I always enjoy reading about habits. This book is engaging. Duhigg tells stories, presents science, and builds engagement over the course of the book well. I still haven’t found someone who treats how not[…] Keep reading →

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