When changing fast is easier than slow

on June 1, 2024 in Leadership

Here are some projections for global warming based on various assumptions. Note the slow changes, which presumes people not changing our behaviors. The great historical example of changing global culture is abolitionism. It took off first in places without slavery in the territory, like Europe. One of the most challenging places to end the institution was the United States, which profited from it so much, though Europe was happy to[…] Keep reading →

The challenges of trying to act sustainably in a culture that doesn’t value sustainability never end

on May 31, 2024 in Leadership, Stories

I’ve written about how the construction my building is doing means no roof access for likely over six months: I’ve been trying to find other rooftops I can use so I don’t have to carry the equipment so far, risking bumps or drops. I can’t leave the panels unwatched to go to the bathroom or work elsewhere when it gets hot. So far I’ve asked the following, politely, offering to[…] Keep reading →

We’re going to need truth and reconciliation committees when we acknowledge the consequences of our actions

on May 30, 2024 in Addiction, Nonjudgment

Most Americans and residents of industrialized countries do many things daily that hurt other people through the environment. They act and talk as if they don’t know their Starbucks cup has anything to do with ocean plastic, but they know it. How do I know they know? Because they get defensive (or offensive) when someone brings it up. If I tell people I like oatmeal for breakfast, no one gets[…] Keep reading →

Notes for future essay ideas

on May 29, 2024 in Creativity

I’m compiling some essays I plan to write, maybe for op-ed pieces, maybe for a next book. I wanted to post them publicly to hold myself accountable, but not give away what they’re about before writing them. The result: I’m writing notes to remind me that may not make sense to others. Sorry today’s post may not make sense, but it’s part of a writing process. Maybe months from now[…] Keep reading →

Why fossil fuel companies love that we chase efficiency, “renewables,” and “clean,” “green,” energy sources (and what to do instead)

on May 28, 2024 in Leadership, Nature

The biggest pushes I see among environmentalists and everyone trying to solve environmental problems are to promote Their hope in these efforts is to lower fossil fuel uses. I support their intent, though not their unintended consequences. Does anyone else see the problems? None of these tactics stop using or extracting fossil fuels. Making anything that uses fossil fuels more efficient doesn’t stop using them. It may use them less[…] Keep reading →

How Profit First is helping my friend run his business

on May 27, 2024 in Entrepreneurship, Stories

A friend who runs a business found the book Profit First by the guest of my podcast Mike Michalowicz. He shared in a private forum how much it helped him. Mike and I email, so I shared with him my friend’s post on how much his book was helping him, taking out the personal details. Mike loved learning he helped an entrepreneur, so I’m glad I emailed him. Recently I[…] Keep reading →

This Week’s Selected Media, May 26, 2024: Animal Liberation Now and Turning Pages

on May 26, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: Animal Liberation Now!, by Peter Singer: Since I last ate meat in 1990 and any dairy or other animal products about ten years ago (I don’t remember when), I can’t remember first reading this book, but this new version is well updated. Now I’ve met Peter, spoken a few times, and read The Life You Can Save. I love how readable his writing is (also his[…] Keep reading →

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