Category Archives: Creativity

Freedombox logo designs

on June 8, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Freedom, Models, Visualization

More Freedombox logo ideas, in collaboration with John Emerson. Click on them for larger versions. If you don’t know about Freedombox, I recommend learning about (and supporting) it, unless you like third parties like corporations and governments having access to your personal life.

My next solo gallery show at Crossing Art Gallery

on June 7, 2011 in Art, Creativity

Ladies and gentlemen, my first solo gallery show in over five years will have its opening event Saturday, June 18. You’re invited! I will be showing new works I’ve been working on and have been excited to show. Publicly showing your work is what an artist lives for. That said, until people see the new stuff, you never know how it will go over, so there’s the usual anxiety and[…] Keep reading →

I have low standards the first time

on May 29, 2011 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Creativity, Leadership, Nonjudgment

This post on doing things you love even if you’re not good at it prompted discussion — or at least people asking me about doing things that feel scary or are hard. For most people, the challenges are internal. Most people aren’t risking health and safety doing something like climbing Everest — they’re thinking of trying out for that senior position, singing karaoke, going to a gym for the first[…] Keep reading →

Parsons student linear zoetrope videos

on May 27, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education

Here are videos of the final non-digital linear zoetropes made by the students in Parsons Submedia collaboration studio in the spring of 2011. The students are superstars. The students’ next step will be the display in Union Square, so stay tuned. I took all the videos with my low quality camera phone. More videos are at the course blog. First the grand tour of all the zoetropes in the Arts,[…] Keep reading →

Parsons Students Linear Zoetrope Photos

on May 27, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education

Here are some pictures of the Parsons students working on the linear zoetropes and their results. Now that I can make slide shows, I have to split the images by dimensions, so there are two slide shows.

Another friend wins writing award

on May 24, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity

Alex Kudera’s first novel won an Independent Publishers Book Awards award — the IPPY Gold Medal for Best Fiction. I wrote about him and his book, Fight For Your Long Day, a couple months ago. He’s planning to give a reading in New York this summer. Who knows how fast his star will rise? Congratulations Alex!

Updated art resume and post from Leaders in Software and Art talk

on May 11, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education

I updated my art resume, having finished teaching the Collaboration Studio at Parsons. In the process I also found a post on my talk to the February Leaders in Software and Art salon.

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