Category Archives: Creativity

Great opening lines to books

on April 13, 2011 in Art, Creativity

I like memorable opening lines to books. Good ones can be poetry, or a whole book into themselves. Sometimes they set the tone for the book. Others are simply memorable for their simplicity. Some of my favorite (some from memory so please correct errors): “Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant day when his father took him to discover ice.”[…] Keep reading →

When polarizing helps

on April 8, 2011 in Awareness, Blog, Creativity, Freedom, Tips

Here’s another lesson from my stylist friend besides how fast even significant personal change can be, possibly obvious to people more stylish than me. He told me a major goal of how you dress is to polarize. At first polarizing sounded counterproductive. Polarizing in a discussion breaks down communication. Why would I want to polarize? Why would I want to repel people? He explained further. Many people dress to fit[…] Keep reading →

Another donation — over 5% there!

on April 3, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education

Another supporter donated! Please think about donating and supporting the arts, students, and New York City! Actually, don’t just think about it. Do it 😉 Here’s the post about the project and the kickstarter page.

My next big beautiful public art piece! (please contribute!)

on April 2, 2011 in Art, Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship

My next big beautiful public art piece will be with my Parsons class in Union Square. You can help make New York more beautiful, give people something to enjoy in their busy days, help students learn and build experience. Visit the project’s Kickstarter page and donate! About this project: We are 18 young talented art students and 2 professors in a class together at Parsons The New School of[…] Keep reading →

A master speaks on creative expression

on March 31, 2011 in Art, Awareness, Blog, Creativity, Fitness, Freedom, Tips

Martha Graham, one of the great artists of the twentieth century — Picasso-level stature and influence in her field — entered my life late, in my 30s, when recording Julliard dancers for my art at Lincoln Center. They were perfect people to learn from, dancers actively learning her, describing a “Martha Graham revolution” I’d never heard of before. I’d feel bad about learning about her so late, but since then[…] Keep reading →

Creativity talk mindmap

on March 30, 2011 in Blog, Creativity, Education, Tips

I’ve written about mindmaps recently and my upcoming creativity talk on April 10. I thought I’d share the draft mindmap I’ve prepared so far for the talk. Freemind lets me export to a flash-based mindmap that you can navigate. You can’t edit it or see how I edit it to see how fun, useful, and effective it is, but you can see the output. It’s an incomplete draft — too[…] Keep reading →

My April creativity talk at Fred in Brooklyn

on March 27, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity, Education

I’m speaking on creativity at the next Fred Talk, April 10. Please come! A longtime friend emailed me after she went to the last one (I was out of town) telling me my talk was announced. Fred talks are do-it-yourself Ted talks with the slogan “Your friends’ ideas worth spreading.” Who says you need some huge conference for thousands of people that costs lots of money? You probably learned more[…] Keep reading →

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