Category Archives: Education

TOMORROW: My webinar on Initiative with Columbia Business School

on January 15, 2020 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Events

EDIT: For some reason the webinar didn’t get recorded, but I gave similar webinars to Wharton and UChicago Business School alumni, which you can watch here. Free online, noon Eastern, Thursday, January 16. All are welcome to join tomorrow’s webinar I’m hosting with Columbia Business School on Initiative—based on my book. My similar talk at Google got rave reviews. Click to register I look forward to seeing you there. Click[…] Keep reading →

One way universities could teach better

on December 7, 2019 in Education

Following up yesterday’s post, Universities don’t teach as well as they think they do, I’ll offer a big way they could improve. Learning social and emotional skills requires facing and overcoming social and emotional challenges, at least in my experience. Most active, social, emotional, expressive, performance-based (ASEEP) fields train people through practicing the basics—footwork in dance, groundstrokes in tennis, and scales with musical instruments. Universities teach wonderful facts but regarding[…] Keep reading →

Universities don’t teach as well as they think they do.

on December 6, 2019 in Education

A friend once asked why I wanted a PhD in physics, or to become a professor. I told him I wanted to stay in academia because I wanted to keep learning. He responded, “I learn something new every day!” He worked at a bank. I presumed banks didn’t care about employees except that the did their work. My dad taught as a tenured professor since I was born. I grew[…] Keep reading →

My failure resume, first pass

on November 30, 2019 in Education

Someone mentioned the idea of a failure resume a month or two ago. You know as much about them as I do now. I haven’t looked up the idea but the name describes enough to go on. I’ve thought about it long enough. Time to start it. I expect I’ll add to it and refine. Date Event Lessons 1970s and 80s Mugged 5 times growing up, three bikes stolen, etc,[…] Keep reading →

The Original Bar Chart, or why I prefer chalkboards to whiteboards

on November 27, 2019 in Education, Humor, Visualization

I prefer blackboards to whiteboards, which are plastic and chintzy, their markers plastic and chemically. Blackboards, on the other hand, are made of rock. Chalk is made of chalk. They’re from the Earth. But my big issue is that markers are nearly always out of ink, which I find out too late, by using them. With chalk, you can tell by looking, as this bar chart I made shows: Try[…] Keep reading →

Clips from my speaking at Google last week

on November 26, 2019 in Education, Podcast

I spoke at Google on starting a podcast, specifically on the environment. I wish I could bring you the whole thing, but here are a few unretouched clips. The audience was very receptive, stayed late, and asked lots of questions. I hope to bring you future stories of them starting podcasts from this event. (EDIT: I posted the audio of the full event on the podcast, episode 263.) and and[…] Keep reading →

November 1999 was a big month

on November 14, 2019 in Education, Entrepreneurship

This month is the twenty year anniversary of the big month of November 1999. Long enough has passed that I may mis-remember, but in November 1999, I Defended my PhD thesis Bought the Greenwich Village apartment I still live in Secured, with my co-founder, my first company’s first investment of $200,000 In other words, I finished the top degree in one of the most challenging fields, severed my ties with[…] Keep reading →

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