Category Archives: Education

See me on Leadership, the Environment, and Navigating Your Business’s Greatest Challenges November 2 in Manhattan

on October 23, 2017 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Events, Leadership

See me next Thursday, November 2 at the NY Public Library Science, Industry, and Business branch in midtown Manhattan. I’m honored to present at such a prestigious and storied institution. As I’m approaching launching my podcast, Leadership and the Environment, I’ll speak on our sore need for leadership in the environment, as well as how it applies to the greatest challenge most leaders face: leading people without using authority. Whether[…] Keep reading →

How Do I Live My Values?

on October 21, 2017 in Audio, Education, Leadership, Stories

Daniel Bauer uncovered what I’m up to next and what led me to it in his second interview of me for his Better Leaders Better Schools podcast. He released it yesterday. All the burpees, vegetables, and so on are leading up to a lot more than just personal habits, as the conversation reveals. The next big step is the podcast launch, featuring some big names—a Pulitzer Prize winner, tens-of-millions-times-viewed TED[…] Keep reading →

A belief to replace worrying about jobs

on October 6, 2017 in Education, Entrepreneurship

Changes in technology and markets may shift job needs from one field to another, but not that people will always have needs that if you help fill them, they will compensate you. If you have skills to communicate and behave to make people feel comfortable sharing their problems with you, and to help solve their problems, you can create jobs for yourself. The work may not be what you trained[…] Keep reading →

Leadership Step by Step in elevators

on September 12, 2017 in Education, Leadership

I woke to emails that media coverage of my book, Leadership Step by Step, is appearing in elevator TV screens in office buildings. Naturally, being interviewed to appear in the pieces means I knew it was coming, but it still feels great for people to see it. Thank you to C-Suite TV for hosting!

Using Emotions As a Leadership Essential

on September 8, 2017 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Joan Sotkin hosts The Prosperity Show podcast and today posted “Using Emotions As a Leadership Essential,” her conversation with me. The show’s subtitle is A holistic approach to business and financial success, which is what we covered: business from a holistic perspective—about emotions, motivations, learning, and more. It’s what she covers in general, without getting ethereal or too theoretical. As a bonus you get to hear birds chirping in the[…] Keep reading →

Reviews and reflections from guest speaking recently

on September 1, 2017 in Education, Exercises, Leadership, Stories

I recently guest hosted an online seminar for Park Howell‘s course in the Executive Masters of Sustainability Leadership program at ASU. The student reviews and reflections touched and inspired me. I can’t help sharing them. I described and performed one exercise from my Leadership Step by Step book and course. You can imagine that if these results come from one session, how much doing all the exercises in the book[…] Keep reading →

Last chance to improve your coaching with free admission to the premier online coaching summit for two readers!

on August 30, 2017 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Yesterday I announced that I’m offering two free passes to my readers for the premier online coaching summit—World Business and Executive Coach Summit (WBECS) online summit—which starts TOMORROW. If you’re interested in one of those passes, email me how it will help you help others. Please make the subject “Spodek WBECS”. I’ll pick two people at random today who are subscribed to my newsletter (my page has subscription forms). A[…] Keep reading →

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