Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

What You Thought Graduates of Elite Schools Have, But Probably Don’t

on January 3, 2017 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

I guest posted today in, “What You Thought Graduates of Elite Schools Have, But Probably Don’t.” I wrote the piece for service-members transitioning to civilian leadership, but it applies to many people who worry about competing with graduates of elite schools. The guest post begins: It’s easy to look at people who went to school while you served and think they’re ahead of you, which can cause anxiety. As[…] Keep reading →

This Start-Up Is Revolutionizing Museums: Museum Hack will change how you visit them forever.

on December 28, 2016 in Art, Entrepreneurship,

My post today, “This Start-Up Is Revolutionizing Museums,” begins This Start-Up Is Revolutionizing Museums Museum Hack will change how you visit them forever. Did you grow up bored with museums too? Grown-ups talked about them like they were an adventure but they made them feel like history class for old people. Times have changed! An entrepreneur and his team have transformed museums into exciting, vigorous, personalized adventures where you[…] Keep reading →

Secret Entourage Academy interviews me on entrepreneurship and leadership

on December 20, 2016 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Secret Entourage is a group that supports and promotes entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. I met them through my friend Jordan Harbinger, who invited me to North Korea. They interview me. If you like my style, the interview tells you a lot about me and my development. I recommend listening! (please excuse the video quality) Watch Secret Entourage Academy’s interview of Joshua Spodek here. From their notes: About: Joshua Spodek decided to[…] Keep reading →

Questions before you lead or teach

on December 19, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

In his recent post, “Make the Work Worth Doing,” Chris Lehmann, founding principal of the Science Leadership Academy, lists questions tremendously useful for leaders or anyone who wants to engage others and create meaning in their work. His perspective reinforces how important how you lead or teach is compared to what you do or teach. If you think you can’t learn from a high school principal how to improve your[…] Keep reading →

Another difference between management and leadership

on November 23, 2016 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership

“What’s the difference between leadership and management,” people often ask. Here’s one difference I often illustrate with. Most people I know haven’t sold things and are afraid of selling. They fear rejection, failure, putting themselves out there, bothering people, and those parts of selling. They know most people feel the same. A great manager can create incentives for someone to sell, like with big commissions, training, resources, and a clear[…] Keep reading →

3 Obstacles Blocking Your Passion and How To Overcome Them

on October 26, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship,

My article today, “3 Obstacles Blocking Your Passion and How To Overcome Them,” begins 3 Obstacles Blocking Your Passion and How To Overcome Them Do you wish you could commit to a passion like your role models? Here are 3 hurdles nearly everyone has to overcome. “Jane,” a student in my entrepreneurship class, asked during office hours: Josh, I like how you’re making this class experiential, but my project[…] Keep reading →

Spodek Academy on Facebook!

on October 21, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

See the new Spodek Academy Facebook page… My courses (available now!) and book (launching in February!) are growing beyond this blog and deserve their own site. Yesterday I announced the new Spodek Academy web page (despite my aversion to Facebook and LinkedIn). Today I’m announcing the Facebook page, which will host forums, discussions, and more on leadership, entrepreneurship, active learning, hustling, The Fundamentals of Hustling, and more. As subscribers, would[…] Keep reading →

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