Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

My radio interview on Jim Blasingame’s Small Business Advocate

on February 13, 2017 in Audio, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

This morning Jim Blasingame interviewed me on his Small Business Advocate Show. Here is the interview: Find interviews with Small Business experts on the Small Business Advocate show Find interviews with Small Business experts on the Small Business Advocate show If you don’t have javascript (and you see white space above this line), click the image below: Click below for three edited highlights: Defining leadership elements that sustain success: Joshua[…] Keep reading →

Forbes on marketing Leadership Step by Step

on February 10, 2017 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Cheryl Conner at Forbes wrote, “Three Entrepreneurs Share How They Took Their Public Relations Strategy To A New Level,” which covered me. Lord knows I’m in the middle of public relations! Anyone who has seen me in person this year has heard me say “I can’t believe how much work goes into launching a book.” I’m the third of three entrepreneurs profiled in the story. The part about me begins[…] Keep reading →

Authenticity, Leadership & Finding Your “One Thing” from the C Method Podcast

on February 2, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship

Christina Canters of The C Method podcast posted her interview of me today. We had a fun, open conversation. I think you’ll like listening. We talked about authenticity and how to achieve a lot by knowing how to focus on one thing by knowing what you want, not wondering, among other topics. Many people hold back from devoting or committing themselves to one thing, afraid of regretting losing what they[…] Keep reading →

The Leadership Podcast interviewed me. What great interviewers!

on February 1, 2017 in Audio, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Models

The Leadership Podcast—hosted by Jan Rutherford and Jim Vaselopulos—posted their interview of me today, “What An Ivy League Degree Can’t Teach You.” Jan and Jim have clear passions and experience for leadership and interviewing. Their questions got to the heart of what I teach, what my book, Leadership Step by Step, is about, my goals in teaching, my motivations, and the inside story. Highly recommended! Here’s their introduction and description[…] Keep reading →

Becoming Your Best Podcast interviews me!

on January 30, 2017 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Steven M. Covey said about Steve and Rob Shallenberger’s work and book: “The 12 Principles are crucial to the success of any leader, in any organization, in any industry!” Steve and Rob run Becoming Your Best, and Steve interviewed me in their podcast. He got to some of my formative experiences and the views that emerged from them. They introduced the interview as follows: If you are going to become[…] Keep reading →

Stellar reviews of other courses I’ve taught like Leadership Step by Step

on January 27, 2017 in Awareness, Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Leadership

Pre-order Leadership Step by Step on Amazon! or Register for a free webinar on the course! Reviews of Other Courses of Joshua Spodek Below are anonymous reviews by people who did the progression of exercises of other courses that I teach in the same style as Leadership Step by Step. They range from first year undergraduates to graduate students to adult learners to adult clients. (Not all are native English speakers.)[…] Keep reading →

Learn influence, persuasion, and creating and closing deals! Take my 4-session course, January 16 – 26 in NYC

on January 6, 2017 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Events, Relationships

Take my 4-session in-person course in influence, persuasion, and creating and closing deals! I’m offering this course by popular demand, organized by the students who took my leadership class in-person last semester. They knew I’ve offered this class and wanted to take it so they took initiative to make it happen. How could I refuse? I often call it Entrepreneurial Selling, but it’s deeper than “just” sales. It’s about creating[…] Keep reading →

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