Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

Four myths that discourage you from entrepreneurship and how to overcome them—The Series

on March 10, 2014 in Entrepreneurship, Tips

A few years ago I posted a series on reasons I hear all the time that discourage would-be entrepreneurs from behaving entrepreneurially—starting business ventures, non-profits, or just projects they enjoy. This series helps you overcome the top ones I hear. I compiled them into easy-to-read series format. Click here and take a look at the series! To whet your appetite, the four discouraging myths in this series: You need a[…] Keep reading →

The value of entrepreneurial skills for artists and vice versa

on March 6, 2014 in Art, Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

Pyragraph Magazine just published a piece I wrote, “The Value of Entrepreneurial Skills for Artists,” on how I hustled (a term that for me in entrepreneurship means only positive things) my way into a prestigious teaching gig at NYU while creating a big public art work. I loved and benefited from each. Neither opportunity could stand on its own, but both together worked. And the city, the school, and the[…] Keep reading →

See Joshua Spodek on a distinguished panel on Entrepreneurship and Leadership at NYU March 27

on March 5, 2014 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

I’ve been invited to participate on a panel with several distinguished entrepreneurs and leaders at NYU March 27 6pm-7:30pm. Click here for the announcement and to register (the event is free, but you have to register). Below is the text. NYU Entrepreneurs Network & NYU Leadership Development Initiative present Entrepreneurship VS Leadership Similarities, Differences, & Lessons Learned We often talk about leadership and entrepreneurship as if they were the same[…] Keep reading →

What you can learn from a film director

on February 27, 2014 in Art, Awareness, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Events, Leadership

The reason we on the Distinguished Leaders Committee of Columbia Business School’s alumni club booked a director for this evening’s talk was something one of last year’s speakers, Rita McGrath, said. If you’re near New York City, I recommend you come (click here for details of location and how to sign up, you don’t have to have graduated from Columbia to join). She pointed out that as people work at[…] Keep reading →

Another genius business idea: The construction broker

on February 19, 2014 in Entrepreneurship

Here’s another post in my Genius Business Idea series one day after the first. This one came during the same homework assignment as yesterday’s, I hope indicating great ideas can come quickly. Like many ideas, this one also came from personal experience. For all I know, such a profession already exists, but I don’t know about it so I’m writing it up anyway. The unmet need If you’ve had your[…] Keep reading →

Another genius business idea: Luxury staycations at home

on February 18, 2014 in Entrepreneurship

I haven’t posted something for my Genius Business Idea series in a while. I thought of this when I also did a homework assignment I assigned my students in the class I’m teaching at NYU. The unmet need Many people are choosing to take vacations from work without leaving their home towns, which they’re calling “staycations.” They cost less money and take less planning while still giving people a chance[…] Keep reading →

Context, Action, Result (CAR): answering interview questions and describing experience effectively

on February 13, 2014 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Tips

[This post is part of a series on Communication Skills Exercises for Business and Life. If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] Has an interviewer ever begun a question with “Can you tell me a time when …” or asked you about your experience? Such questions arise in job interviews,[…] Keep reading →

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