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The Coat of the Future: Bring on the Winter

on November 14, 2017 in

My Inc. post yesterday, “The Coat of the Future: Bring on the Winter,” began The Coat of the Future: Bring on the Winter When the temperature dropped into the 20s, I was prepared, looked great, and lived by my values. A couple years ago on a winter vacation toward the end of my last parka’s life, I saw a beautiful coat. Despite the designer name it was affordable. But I[…] Keep reading →

6 Lessons I Learned Teaching Leadership With a 4-Star General at West Point

on November 13, 2017 in Education,, Leadership

[EDIT: Lloyd Austin has since become the United States Secretary of Defense. He also endorsed my book, Leadership Step by Step, saying: Great leaders aren’t born with a ‘leadership gene’; great leaders develop the necessary skills and gain confidence through practice and hard work. In Leadership Step by Step Joshua Spodek presents a thoughtful approach to becoming a highly effective leader that emphasizes the importance of experiential learning. It will[…] Keep reading →

The skill of starting habits

on November 10, 2017 in Habits,

A reader, Melissa Gaudart, wrote from Australia about starting habits, after reading about my one-minute wake-up habit. I thought our question and answer would be valuable for others, so here is her question: Great article and glad you’re waking up faster as there is a lot to be excited about first thing in the morning. I’m wondering if you’ve thought about how people can form and change habits instantly. This[…] Keep reading →

A Contrarian View of Invention

on November 6, 2017 in Creativity, Entrepreneurship,, Nature

My latest Inc. article, “A Contrarian View of Invention,” begins A Contrarian View of Invention We put innovation and invention on pedestals. Should we? I’ll start by pointing out that I have several patents to my name. I conceived of the inventions and wrote the patents. I have advanced degrees in science. I started several ventures. I’m not writing to brag or put patents or innovation down, just that I think I hold my own on innovation[…] Keep reading →

Why Minimalism Should Be Called Maximalism

on November 2, 2017 in

My post Tuesday on, “Why Minimalism Should Be Called Maximalism,” began Why Minimalism Should Be Called Maximalism Why define something valuable by the opposite of its values? Minimalism as a lifestyle seems popular. The name backward, though, which confuses people and makes it less accessble. It’s a lifestyle about maximizing, not minimizing. I may be too late because maximalism appears taken by a movement unrelated to what I describe below, but I suggest changing the[…] Keep reading →

Why You Want to Feel Fake Sometimes

on November 1, 2017 in

My post on Inc. yesterday, “Why You Want to Feel Fake Sometimes,” began Why You Want to Feel Fake Sometimes Meaningful change means feeling fake in the process. If you grow, you want that feeling. Why would anyone want to feel fake? When would you want to feel fake? Leadership skills and other personal development aren’t like most skills. Nor is learning them like learning other skills. Developing leadership skills means developing as a person, not just[…] Keep reading →

The Business Skills That Will Solve Global Warming

on October 31, 2017 in, Leadership, Nature

My Inc. post today, “The Business Skills That Will Solve Global Warming,” begins The Business Skills That Will Solve Global Warming Science and education got us far, but won’t get us to the finish line. We need to understand what motivates people and use it to change our behavior. As New York City prepares for another 74 degree November day this week, it’s getting harder to remember that warm weather isn’t climate. Sadly,[…] Keep reading →

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