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The Simple Life: My Favorite Daily Moments

on October 19, 2017 in Fitness, Habits,, SIDCHAs

My Inc. post today, “The Simple Life: My Favorite Daily Moments,” begins The Simple Life: My Favorite Daily Moments Every day has a few golden moments that I create and savor, no matter how many times I live them. It’s morning, before 8am. I’ve eaten breakfast, which followed my morning exercise, which followed my one-minute waking-up practice. I’ve already experienced three glorious moments I create every day at no cost in money or time.[…] Keep reading →

The Simple Reason to Learn to Lead Yourself First

on October 7, 2017 in, Leadership

My Inc. article today, “The Simple Reason to Learn to Lead Yourself First,” begins: The Simple Reason to Learn to Lead Yourself First Leading others before you know your direction can lead you nowhere, or in circles. Inc. readers love leading. We love learning to lead better. Usually that means learning to lead others. Leading others sounds sexier. In my leadership courses and workshops, nearly everyone prefers the exercises that lead others over ones[…] Keep reading →

Lead Yourself Before Blaming Scientists for Not Solving Global Warming

on September 15, 2017 in, Leadership, Nature

My Inc. article today, “Lead Yourself Before Blaming Scientists for Not Solving Global Warming,” began Lead Yourself Before Blaming Scientists for Not Solving Global Warming Everyone is quick to point fingers. We’re less quick to take responsibility, but that’s what leaders do. Leaders take responsibility. We know the futility of blaming others, however much we indulge in doing so. We can’t change the past. We can, however, act in the[…] Keep reading →

Your Employees Are Telling You How to Lead Them. Here’s How to Listen.

on September 2, 2017 in, Leadership, Perception

My post on Inc. Thursday “Your Employees Are Telling You How to Lead Them. Here’s How to Listen.,” began Your Employees Are Telling You How to Lead Them. Here’s How to Listen. People want you to lead them effectively. Here’s how to practice listening. Would you like your teammates and employees to tell you how to lead them? They’re already doing it. You were probably too busy focusing on yourself, believing leadership was about[…] Keep reading →

The Difference Between Leadership and Management

on August 30, 2017 in, Leadership

My Inc. post today “The Difference Between Leadership and Management,” begins The Difference Between Leadership and Management A common question with a simple answer that will help you with each As a professor of leadership and management and author of a bestselling leadership book, I get asked a lot What’s the difference between leadership and management? Everyone gets that each is important. Most people get that they overlap a lot.[…] Keep reading →

Want Ambition? Advice From 5 Achievers

on August 7, 2017 in Entrepreneurship,

My Inc. story today, “Want Ambition? Advice From 5 Achievers,” begins Want Ambition? Advice From 5 Achievers The ambitious secrets of a TED resident, a Broadway star, a Marvel artist, a MakerBot executive, and the entrepreneur bringing them together Ambition. It gets things done. Most Inc. readers have it. Some wish they had more. Many hide theirs. Too many, if you ask me. Like determination, resilience, self-awareness, and grit, among other properties, successful[…] Keep reading →

Promoting one group and rarely the other is not promoting equality

on August 1, 2017 in

This topic ends up being controversial, though I don’t think it should. People seem to have a hard time seeing that men face challenges, empathizing with them, or accepting that they/we aren’t a unified group trying to get power at women’s expense. I wrote this piece for Inc., but chose to publish it here instead. I feel equality is important to write about, especially in business and entrepreneurship. July saw[…] Keep reading →

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