Category Archives: Leadership

I want to give up every day. That’s the value of acting in service of innocent people suffering. What motivates more?

on June 14, 2023 in Leadership, Nature, Relationships

A colleague wrote about how she used to act more but now feels like giving up. I responded What you wrote reminds me of how I feel nearly every day. I can’t say I feel the same as you, but I know the numbers and projections. I see the overwhelming majority of humans not acting — an even greater majority of Americans. Many revel in not trying. Many of those[…] Keep reading →

The disaster that is Elon Musk

on June 13, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

It’s tempting to think because we feel we’re acting, or that someone else is, that we’re acting effectively. I’ll share a post I responded to, then my response to it on a discussion board of people supporting degrowth. The other person’s post I’ve been a nut case environmentalist before the first Earth Day and sported a ZPG sticker on my Supervan at the time. A couple months ago I would[…] Keep reading →

Teach THIS generation, not the next one

on June 10, 2023 in Education, Leadership, Nature

I constantly hear people saying teaching the next generation will solve our environmental problems. They’re sloughing their problems onto others, abdicating responsibility. Nobody taught older generations today to wreck the environment. I learned to protect it so presume most others were taught so too. Most people continue wrecking the environment. It didn’t work for us. Why should we think it will work for them? I learned “leave it better than[…] Keep reading →

Imagine a team where each teammate believed they would choke when it counted. That’s us with sustainability.

on June 9, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

In sustainability, most people I talk to see living more sustainable as making their lives worse. That is, when I ask people if they can imagine a world where everyone lives sustainably, they can’t. If I ask them to try, they think of dystopic or Stone Age wastelands. Many only see sustainability as not seeing family or exacerbating inequities (it does the opposite, polluting and depleting cause those things). If[…] Keep reading →

Sustainability lacks a human enemy, unlike most social movements. Does that difference explain why people don’t engage on it?

on May 30, 2023 in Leadership

I’m not a historian of social movements, but I tend to believe they mostly involve one group fighting another group. (Please tell me if you know otherwise.) People love banding with an in-group and fighting an out-group. I think humans tend to look for human enemies to oppose. Regarding sustainability, many look at fossil fuel companies, for example. But Exxon and its peers don’t buy their products. We do. The[…] Keep reading →

Bought two new non-food material things this year (cumulative: three things this year, I think)

on May 26, 2023 in Leadership

I bought a couple new non-food material items this week. I think so far this year I bought a thermal shirt used from a thrift shop. Other than that I think the only material things I’ve bought this year have been food. I’ve paid to pollute through my electric bill, phone bill, and so on, so I’ve got a long way to go. I try to keep track of what[…] Keep reading →

Analects of Sustainability Leadership (words to live by)

on May 25, 2023 in Leadership, Models

Analects are selected miscellaneous written passages, often words to live by. Here are ones on sustainability leadership, many I created. I’ll keep update the following as I develop new ones. You can’t lead others to live by values you live the opposite of Systemic change begins with personal change To cross the finish line of the marathon of changing a system, you first have to cross the starting line of[…] Keep reading →

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