Category Archives: Leadership

Corruption: when maintaining integrity and character is too hard for someone

on April 6, 2023 in Freedom, Leadership

I tend to think of people becoming corrupt under the influence of someone intentionally corrupting them. I tend to think of the corrupter as a mustache-twirling, self-interested person offering bribes or using other tools. I also often talk about how sustainability advocates undermine themselves by depending so much on polluting, depleting activities like flying, ordering takeout, and so on. I point out that it’s hard to impossible to lead people[…] Keep reading →

Hear Me Again on America Out Loud: Living the Simple Life Off the Grid With Josh Spodek

on April 4, 2023 in Audio, Education, Leadership, Nature

Rob and Andrew, hosts of America Out Loud’s radio show and podcast After Dark, hosted me. I’ve been on their podcast and they’ve been on mine. I think I can safely say we’ve become friends across political divides, exactly the sort that everyone annoyed by today’s polarization. The episode is titled Living the Simple Life Off the Grid With Josh Spodek. Here’s the audio: We spoke about Here are the[…] Keep reading →

Top Sustainability Leadership Principles

on March 30, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

I’ve meant to collect the top principles in sustainability leadership, the things I say nearly daily and govern embracing living sustainably. “Nothing is more damaging to you than to do something you believe is wrong.” — Abraham Lincoln Systemic change begins with personal change. You tell me what you fear losing most and I’ll tell you exactly what you’ll get more of. You can’t lead someone else to live by[…] Keep reading →

Proposals for freedom and sustainability

on March 18, 2023 in Freedom, Leadership, Nature

I’ve been thinking about what legal changes I see along the lines of the Thirteenth Amendment. That amendment helped resolve the most partisan issue in the nation’s history, including hundreds of thousands of young men killed in the Civil War. Today it unites us. I envision the following proposals transforming our culture and leading to unity, though people who profit from the old ways will resist, as they did with[…] Keep reading →

March: Another month, another zero kWh electric bill

on March 12, 2023 in Leadership, Nature

I’d get bored of posting about it, but I keep learning more every month. No wonder no one even in sustainability comes up with workable plans. It would be like expecting an orchestra to play well together when not one of the musicians practices their instrument. It turns out practicing sustainability is deeply rewarding. Love for your fellow human. What do you want more of? If you want more human[…] Keep reading →

See me on German Public TV describing life with my apartment disconnected from the electric grid

on March 9, 2023 in Freedom, Leadership, Nature

Check out this video, “Josh Spodek’s apartment disconnected from the electric grid in Manhattan on German TV”: (click the cc in the bottom right for English subtitles) (Note: I told the director over and over how the important story was the mission and strategy underneath, but journalists only cover what they can see and show so what you see is the superficial surface of my work. Journalists on the environment:[…] Keep reading →

My strategies in terms of my orchestra model

on March 7, 2023 in Leadership

Using my orchestra model of sustainability leadership gives convenient way to describe my strategies to achieve my mission: My mission is to change American (and global) culture to expect acting sustainably will bring not deprivation and sacrifice but rewarding emotions, in my case joy, fun, freedom, community, connection, meaning, and purpose. I’ve been struggling to find ways to express them more simply since the media is covering me more but[…] Keep reading →

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