Category Archives: Leadership

Hear me again on the Ask Women podcast on seductive conversation

on January 31, 2021 in Audio, Education, Leadership, Relationships

You may remember from my post Hear me on the Ask Women podcast that I spoke about my coaching men on attraction and seduction for a few years as the #1 coach in the #1 market for the #1 guru. That post began describing that podcast: What do a female comic and a professional wing girl have in common? The realistically raw and hilarious perspectives on what women ACTUALLY want[…] Keep reading →

Senate hearings on Lloyd Austin III, who invited me to speak at West Point

on January 19, 2021 in Freedom, Leadership

I learned more from the Cadets at West Point than they could possibly have learned from me, but retired General Lloyd Austin III invited me there to co-lead workshops on leadership My mentor Frances Hesselbein introduced us. As I type, the Senate is holding hearings on his nomination to Secretary of Defense. I wrote an Inc. story on the experience, “6 Lessons I Learned Teaching Leadership With a 4-Star General[…] Keep reading →

The problem with “Governments and corporations have to change”

on January 19, 2021 in Leadership, Nature

“What really has to happen is governments and corporations have to change.” People say it all the time. Do they think they’re helping? Duh! Of course. We knew that already. Everyone knows that. That’s the goal. When they change, we only have to implement—a big challenge, but swimming downstream, not upstream. It’s as pointless as to say What really has to happen is we have to score more points than[…] Keep reading →

Government and corporations are more problem than solution

on January 16, 2021 in Leadership, Nature

“Our environmental problems are so big, individual actions don’t matter. Only governments and corporations can make a difference.” I’ve come to see this view as backward. Governments and corporations are causing the problems. They are what we have to change. If we wait for them to act, we will lose. When you recognize that we have to motivate them to act, you realize they are the problem. I include universities[…] Keep reading →

A recent video overview on sustainability leadership

on January 11, 2021 in Leadership, Nature

Eugene Bible of the Verdant Growth videocast and soon host of a This Sustainable Life podcast offshoot hosted me on sustainability leadership. (Stay tuned for his podcast launch). Speaking communicates differently than writing, so you’ll hear me express things I can’t hear, plus I cover many things I haven’t covered here at all. It’s interactive so not just me talking. I recommend checking it out. It’s one conversation split into[…] Keep reading →

What one person does matters. What more evidence do you need?

on January 8, 2021 in Leadership

I’m always amazed at how much an individual’s whole being plays out in his or her interaction with the world. Look at how much Facebook, for example, manifests Mark Zuckerberg’s personality. It’s part of why I consider integrity so important everywhere in life, but especially among leaders. You might try to hide parts of yourself, but the parts you want to hide the most reveal themselves most under times of[…] Keep reading →

Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth

on January 7, 2021 in Leadership

As a bone heals stronger where it broke and an immune system learns to heal when invaded by disease, we will emerge stronger. I mainly write about sustainability and cleaning the air, water, and land we share. I have never wavered from achieving these goals only through freedom and democracy. I will do all I can to enable future historians to mark January 6, 2021 as the day we recognized[…] Keep reading →

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