Category Archives: Leadership

2020 versus 2021

on January 6, 2021 in Leadership, Nature

People said they looked forward to 2020 ending. They wanted to return to normalcy. They didn’t like 2020 because they compared it to 2019. I compare 2020 to 2021 and beyond. I expect the trend will continue and we’ll miss 2020’s relative calm. Politically, I expect more unity and less strife, as I can’t imagine Biden exacerbating division as Trump did. I see the pandemic as an environmental problem. People[…] Keep reading →

Did you make 2020 your finest hour?

on December 29, 2020 in Leadership, Models, Perception

“Our finest hour” never describes a bright sunny morning with the birds singing, however fine such an hour. I associate the phrase with the movie Apollo 13. The flight director said the astronauts’ perilous state after an explosion in space on the way to the moon “could be the worst disaster NASA’s ever experienced.” His peer responded, “With all due respect, sir, I believe this is going to be our[…] Keep reading →

A leadership lesson from Ronald Reagan I’ve taken to heart

on December 27, 2020 in Leadership

While I can’t shake that my foremost memory of Ronald Reagan was the Iran-Contra affair—one of my earliest political memories—lately some words of his have given me great leadership direction. I believe they explain a lot of why most attempts to promote sustainability haven’t worked. His quote: If you’re explaining, you’re losing. As I’m writing my book on sustainability leadership, this quote is guiding me. Any time I find myself[…] Keep reading →

Don’t Mess With Texas: a celebrity-packed anti-littering campaign

on December 26, 2020 in Leadership, Nature

Did you know the phrase “Don’t mess with Texas” arose from a campaign to stop litter? Neither did I. Check out these videos showing celebrities acting against litter, even picking it up. Now you can join us in picking up litter, even daily, as I’ve done for years, making it TV for it twice and counting. Note, however, that picking up litter only moves it around. It doesn’t reduce the[…] Keep reading →

What can you do?

on December 24, 2020 in Leadership, Nature

This graphic tempts you to think having fewer children is the best you can do, dwarfing not flying or going vegetarian, but I’ll describe below how you can do a lot more. More than personal actions Everyone gets that one person’s actions round to zero on a global scale. I agree. I act consistent with my values as a matter of integrity. Making a difference on a global scale comes[…] Keep reading →

As I predicted, sadly, Trump: “A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!”

on December 19, 2020 in Leadership

When Trump won the 2016 election, many near me in lower Manhattan chanted “Not my president.” I criticized them then and I criticize people who don’t accept Trump losing now. I was open to their claims of fraud and waited for them to show evidence. They haven’t, so, while I’m open to new evidence, I conclude they made up their claims. I repeat to them the sentiment I wrote in[…] Keep reading →

Working on Purpose radio with Dr. Alise Cortez hosted me

on December 16, 2020 in Audio, Education, Leadership

Dr. Alise Cortez hosted me for a wonderful conversation on leadership, education, sustainability, career, and more. It’s radio, but we recorded video. Episode notes Where have all the entrepreneurs gone? We seem to be producing less and less each year. Josh Spodek says this is due in part our educational system that teaches compliance at the expense of pursuing interests and passions in learning. He’s out to teach people to[…] Keep reading →

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