Category Archives: Leadership

If we led other areas as we do sustainability

on December 13, 2020 in Leadership, Nature

Here is how what we call leadership in the area of sustainability would look in another area. Imagine you attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. One person stands up in front and says, “I’ve read all about what alcohol does to the liver. I’m an expert. Here’s what you should do.” This person continues lecturing on the science of alcohol and the liver and what everyone should do. This person also[…] Keep reading →

Management Versus Leadership

on November 27, 2020 in Leadership, Relationships

While leadership overlaps with management, let’s clarify some differences to see what the environmental movement is missing. By no means am I suggesting one is better, only that transforming culture requires both and I see a lot of sustainability management but virtually no sustainability leadership. Managers use skills like analysis, planning, record-keeping, and organization on readily measurable things, facts, figures, observable deliverables, and timelines. A successful manager creates compliance. Well-managed[…] Keep reading →

“The Mandela of the Environment”—profiled in Wildpreneurs

on November 20, 2020 in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Nature

Longtime podcast listeners have heard my struggle that began with seeing leadership as the main missing element on sustainability nobody is acting on, distinguishing leadership from management. In short, I saw no Mandela of the Environment and felt my best option would be to fill in the role—not to act like Mandela exactly, since the situations differ, but to take on a comparable role. Adopting the mantle seemed a no-win[…] Keep reading →

Speak Like a Leader podcast features me today

on November 18, 2020 in Audio, Education, Leadership

When TEDxNYU invited me to give a TEDx talk with less than two weeks to prepare, I knew a coach would help. I researched and hired John Bates. The result? Three TEDx talks and counting, plus one invited me back to lead a work group for TED Countdown. Plus I count him as a friend. John hosts the Speak Like a Leader podcast. I’m his guest today. We talk about[…] Keep reading →

Special invitation to sneak preview I Am Greta

on November 11, 2020 in Leadership, Nature, Stories

As a proud member of Flight Free USA, where I’ve pledged another joyful year of not flying, I’m extending to you the invitation they extended to me. I just watched it. It’s touching and honest as a documentary and she is honest, genuine, and authentic as a leader and person. After years of people asking me, confused, why I would act in service of the environment, asking me why I’m[…] Keep reading →

Lower Manhattan Off the Hook

on November 7, 2020 in Leadership, Nonjudgment

I was here when Obama replaced George W. Bush. People were dancing in the street. This time is bigger. Lower Manhattan hasn’t been this happy for years. Friends and colleagues from around the world are emailing congratulations. For me personally, since I love my sustainability work, I look forward to losing the government pushing to sell public lands to fossil fuel interests, disregarding pollution, and such—not having to swim upstream[…] Keep reading →

The Story of Plastic panel video

on October 30, 2020 in Leadership, Nature, Podcast

Here is the wonderful panel discussion we hosted on The Story of Plastic, October 22. The Panelists Each panelist has appeared on my podcast. I’ll embed their conversations below so you can learn more about them in the context of sustainability leadership (J. B.’s episode is still being edited, but I’ll post a couple videos I recorded of personal reflections on his book). Eric Adams, elected the 19th Borough President[…] Keep reading →

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