Category Archives: Leadership

The Story of Plastic panelists

on October 19, 2020 in Leadership, Nature, Podcast

I can’t wait for Thursday’s Story of Plastic panel. I wish we didn’t live in a world that merited it, but we do and I consider the movie and expert panel one of the best things we can do about it. Everyone who has watched tells me they learned more than expected and are glad they watched. I’ve spoken to several people about the movie, but not yet hundreds so[…] Keep reading →

My keynote and panel at Swedish Food Tech’s Big Meet

on October 18, 2020 in Leadership, Nature

Speaking at last years 9th annual Sustainology hosted by the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce led to speaking and participating in a panel at this year’s Swedish Food Tech Big Meet. We originally planned for me to speak and lead a demonstration at the event planned for the spring. We had nearly locked down the sailing plans when the pandemic struck. I loved participating by internet, but would have loved[…] Keep reading →

Beth Comstock on The Story of Plastic

on October 15, 2020 in Leadership, Nature

The Story of Plastic may be challenging to watch in the gritty reality of what plastic waste is doing to our world. But it also offers hope by showing us people acting and making change in surprising and effective ways around the world. It invites us all to join them. Beth Comstock, Former CMO and Vice Chair of GE, Director at Nike, Trustee of The National Geographic Society EDIT: after reflecting on[…] Keep reading →

On pledges to lower emissions by 2030 and 2050

on October 11, 2020 in Freedom, Leadership, Models

Corporations and governments are pledging to lower emissions, maybe to net zero (What “net zero” and “closed loop” mean.), by 2030 or 2050. Nearly everyone recognizes goals past the pledgers’ retirement close to meaningless. What will give them meaning is not hope or appreciation, but accountability, especially imposed from without. Even with accountability, these pledges could set earlier targets. We all know they can. The tragic message from everyone except,[…] Keep reading →

Sustainability Leadership Slogans

on October 5, 2020 in Leadership

The longer I work in sustainability leadership, the more I think of simple ways to say otherwise complex things. I forget easily, so I’m going to keep a post here of them. I can only remember four now, so I’ll start with them and add more when I remember them or come up with new ones. I’m writing them out of context, so sorry if they don’t make sense. I[…] Keep reading →

My Washington Square Park drug dealer dream

on September 13, 2020 in Leadership, Stories

I want to write a headline one day saying, “How I Led the Washington Square Park Drug Dealers to Clean the Park,” or something like it for a story in the paper. Likely? No. Possible? Yes. For longer than the twenty years I’ve lived in Greenwich Village, drug dealers have operated wantonly in the northwest corner of Washington Square Park. “Smoke smoke . . . weed weed,” they say as[…] Keep reading →

Mutual Aid During the Pandemic

on September 8, 2020 in Leadership

On my podcast I’ve been sharing how I’m trying to find ways to work with my community to keep it safe. You may have seen the article former podcast guest James Altucher wrote, NYC Is Dead Forever. Here’s Why: Jerry Seinfeld responded with a proud “up yours” in a piece the New York Times published, So You Think New York Is ‘Dead’: Seinfeld remarks that the city is resilient, always[…] Keep reading →

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