Category Archives: Models
Systems work different than you expect if you don’t understand them. People who don’t understand systems often push them in ways that produce the opposite outcome they want. Alternatively, people who understand systems see how to achieve intended results through counterintuitive ways. Some examples: Less sugar, more sweet: I used to eat ice cream almost daily. In those days apples tasted bland. Having avoided doof for years, now apples taste[…] Keep reading →
Following up on my noticing that the “logic” that concludes Malthus was wrong would also conclude Columbus was wrong about being able to sail west from Europe to reach Asia. That he missed two continents and an ocean doesn’t change that you can sail west from Europe to reach Asia. It’s just farther than he expected, and you have to go around the tip of South America. Likewise, Malthus missing[…] Keep reading →
on November 29, 2022 in Models
I’m no expert on indigenous cultures, but I’m learning more about them all the time. I’ve had guests on the podcast who lived years and in cases decades with the San in Southern Africa, the Hadza in Tanzania, the Tsimane in Bolivia, the Kogi in Colombia, and the Matses in Peru. I’ve also had Native American guests. I’ve attended workshops in New York by Native Americans. Besides learning from others,[…] Keep reading →
People interviewing me consistently ask “what can one person do?” If people are in the mainstream mindset, giving them instruction will more likely reinforce their current state. That is, if they think stopping polluting activities will make no difference or risk reverting to the Stone Age, then suggesting they plant more trees or avoid straws will seem pointless and make you look foolish in their eyes. I suggest starting with[…] Keep reading →
Perhaps you’ve seen the headlines about tomorrow: World population to reach 8 billion on 15 November 2022, according to United Nations predictions. Are we overpopulated? You’ve seen graphs of population projections from the UN showing the population leveling off or possibly decreasing by 2100 like this one. Does the graph reassure you and make you feel good that the population problem is working itself out with no big collapse likely,[…] Keep reading →
An interesting anthropological question is how old our culture is. It’s tempting to trace its roots to ancient Greece or even the Code of Hammurabi almost four thousand years ago. I’m not an anthropologist, but I contend that our polluting culture adopted many of its top values since the Industrial Revolution. Since then, we’ve abandoned and replaced, at least regarding how we interact with each other through the environment, once[…] Keep reading →
I just watched a documentary, La Foret d’Ebo. One of the people who lives in the Ebo forest in Cameroon says: “The Ebo forest requires strong protection, for us and for generations to come. I never would have thought that one day someone would try to sell the Ebo forest. Ever since I found out I have been wondering why. If we are alive today, it is only because of[…] Keep reading →
You’ve heard my conversations with award-winning authors, scholars, and other experts on slavery. With a couple I’ve talked about the connection between that system and ours. Most of the time, I’ve thought of the connection as an analogy. For a while, I’ve seen the connection as closer. Andrew Hoffman, University of Michigan professor in its business school and its School of Natural Resources and Environment, wrote of his discovering the[…] Keep reading →
Conservatives have their ways of stopping themselves from thinking too. I’ll cover them in another post. Actually, everyone stops themselves from thinking and acting. For example, people of all backgrounds parrot some version of I care about the environment and act as much as I can, but I can’t do everything. I have to balance it with other real-life concerns, like safety for my children and how much time I[…] Keep reading →