Category Archives: Nonjudgment

Non-judgmental Ethics Sunday: Can a Woman Pretend to Be a Lesbian to Get a Couples’ Discount?

on October 16, 2016 in Ethicist, Nonjudgment

Continuing my series of responses to the New York Times’, The Ethicist, without imposing values, here is my take on today’s post, “Can a Woman Pretend to Be a Lesbian to Get a Couples’ Discount?” My local pool offers memberships for single people, couples (defined as “significant others living together”) and family memberships. The couples and family memberships are discounted from the rates for single people. I am a woman[…] Keep reading →

Non-judgmental Ethics Sunday: Is It O.K. to Find Sexual Satisfaction Outside Your Marriage?

on October 9, 2016 in Ethicist, Nonjudgment, Relationships

Continuing my series of responses to the New York Times’, The Ethicist, without imposing values, here is my take on today’s post, “Is It O.K. to Find Sexual Satisfaction Outside Your Marriage?” I am married and have three children with my husband. For the most part, our lives are happy. My husband and I have a good relationship and are active in our children’s lives. However, I am utterly unsatisfied[…] Keep reading →

Non-judgmental Ethics Sunday: Do I Have to Tell My Family I’m No Longer Religious?

on October 2, 2016 in Ethicist, Nonjudgment

Continuing my series of responses to the New York Times’, The Ethicist, without imposing values, here is my take on today’s post, “Do I Have to Tell My Family I’m No Longer Religious?” I am an African-American woman from a very religious Southern Baptist family. I now live in Europe with my husband, who is an atheist, and my two children. I am spiritual but not religious in any way[…] Keep reading →

Non-judgmental Ethics Sunday: Should I Tell My Friend I Had a Fling With Her Ex?

on September 18, 2016 in Ethicist, Nonjudgment

Continuing my series of responses to the New York Times’, The Ethicist, without imposing values, here is my take on today’s post, “Should I Tell My Friend I Had a Fling With Her Ex?” After attending a house party that my friend S. hosted, I made a rather rash decision to text her the next day and hopefully strike up a fling. Surprisingly, she took the bait. Soon enough we[…] Keep reading →

Origins: of me and teaching leadership

on September 11, 2016 in Art, Awareness, Education, Freedom, Nonjudgment, Relationships, Visualization

My reasons for teaching leadership experientially today are mainly To enable people to create meaning, value, importance, purpose, and passion in their lives and in the lives of people around them Because the challenges the next several generations will face require changing behavior on a global scale, which are social and emotional challenges, not technical, and I hope to help create a community of people with the skills to overcome[…] Keep reading →

Non-judgmental Ethics Sunday: Should a Teacher at a Sketchy College Help Recruit Students?

on September 4, 2016 in Ethicist, Nonjudgment

Continuing my series of responses to the New York Times’, The Ethicist, without imposing values, here is my take on today’s post, “Should a Teacher at a Sketchy College Help Recruit Students?” I am a professor at a university that has experienced serious financial problems in the last five years. As a result, our university has brought in a number of “consultants,” many of whom work largely for for-profit universities.[…] Keep reading →

Non-judgmental Ethics Sunday: My Wife Wants to Adopt. When Do I Tell Her I Won’t?

on August 28, 2016 in Ethicist, Nonjudgment

Continuing my series of responses to the New York Times’, The Ethicist, without imposing values, here is my take on today’s post, “My Wife Wants to Adopt. When Do I Tell Her I Won’t?” My wife and are I childless. We can’t have children of our own, and in any case, I have never wanted children. Now we are in our 40s, and my wife is starting the process of[…] Keep reading →

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